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RE: Mummified Gerontocrat Says She Didn’t Know About Mobile Phones Or The Internet

in #politics6 years ago

Mummified Gerontocrat Says She Didn’t Know About Mobile Phones Or The Internet

A rebuttal:

"I'm pleading with you to get help, you have clearly stepped of the end of planet and you're in cuckoo land now..."

I watched the video and she was not "[...]telling off a bunch of small children[...]".

In fact I thought the little bastards were rude to attack such an elderly states person, as Senator Feinstein...and to further my argument they were completely uninformed/misinformed/disinformed about what they spoke about. I think they were brainwashed.

There are not twelve years left on planet earth! And the Green New Deal is a nightmare.

Ryan Grim is wrong, he ah..well he is another fucking left-wing nut job like you Caitsy.

I am digressing...

I think you are misunderstanding, I know your misunderstanding. Senator Feinstein didn't realize that news was what some idiot video'ed on their cellphone. And really it wasn't news, it was a bunch of rude nasty little fucking kids. Who need to quit whining at this early age and get a real life.
More victims for the Socialist rainbow parade. And for it to go viral, speaks about it being a well orchestrated hit piece, but you know about those, that is the kind of writing you are all about...right. hit pieces.

It is not surprising that Grim the twit would tweet it...personally I think fat people shouldn't throw stones, when they live glass houses.

"I'm too old and befuddled to understand how these newfangled dongle widgets work." --Caitlin Johnstone

Aw come on Cait, throwing stones are you -- you haven't seen you belly button in decades, and I don't hold it against you, a little fat around the midriff is a muffin top, right muffin?...especially for a Ozzie girls from the outback, might have to go a few weeks without a meal out there in middle of Ozzyland.

Did you have to rattle on like a fucking banshee for so long about Feinstein. I almost fell asleep on this one, not your usual punch up. I could get excited about...

Listen, this IRA (Internet Research Agency) thing is a big deal, and the Nation is being sponsored in its Socialist and pro kremlin pursuits for decades now. They are not to be trusted ever, they tell lies that their business. Telling lies.

Speaking of geriatrics, how old is Vic Navasky, that old commie pinko got be close to ninety. Imagine that the Nation is older than that.... That yellow journal has been pumping out lies since eighteen sixty-five or something.

Here's an interesting fact Caitsy. The Nation has lost money all, but three or four years of its operation. That over a hundred years of commie support. Now how does that work ya might say... The magazine should be bankrupt, but it isn't, because of Socialist/commie money. Here's another fact, the Nation supported the bombing of Hiroshima. Did ya know that...the commies at the Nation wanted the Japs dead. The Nation has always been pro Russia, so they would say anything that was against the truth of the IRA (Internet Research Agency). And besides there is more than the IRA doing damage. The GRU, FSB and SVR RF, all have "active measures" in cyberspace aimed at the west and their own people. Now there would be an interesting rising. Russia people rising and ousting Tsar Putin and his ban of inbred ilk.

Quit scaring the kids with this climate nonsense, it's a big hoax in fact we are in the coldest sun -- the coldest solar cycle in 110 years. We could be looking at a "Maunder Minimum" or the beginning of a "Little Ice Age".

It is four Trillion dollars up for grabs in carbon penalties and taxes globally, can you imagine. Guess global warming is a new industry now. It certainly has become a religious cult.

This has been the coldest winter in quite some time, average temperatures have been running around -20C to -30 C. It went down to -35C with a wind chill driving it to -45C for a while there... Lots of snow and the Chem planes have been flying continuously.

We are in a carbon deficit Cait, the atmosphere could easily be 800 ppm of CO2. After all it is a life-giver and great food for plants.

Here's a good site that tells the truth of climate and opposes the IPCC fudged numbers and scripted narrative.

Arctic sea ice is gaining considerably, it never really was as bad as they were screaming about...

...And the Green new Deal. have you checked out how much that is going to cost the average household.

"Call me ageist if you want; Feinstein is too goddamn old and too goddamn insulated from the world to be doing her job correctly." --Caitlin Johnstone

Call me what you want, but I think your ass is too big, because you mouth is too big. And you are not doing a very good job of telling the truth. And you your ass is too big because you keep smoking weed and shoving twinkies in that big fat mouth of yours. Have you stepped on the scale lately...I saw that video of you the other day and said to myself... "Her doctor should talk to her about such rapid weight gain, a woman her age, she could have a stroke in writing this bitter socialist nonsense everyday."

"This is the sort of soulless death cultist that needs its fingers pried the fuck off the steering wheel of our world before we'll ever be in any position to steer it toward health." --Caitlin Johnstone

Speaking about prying fingers of things, twinkies, cookies, baloney sandwiches Jesus Christ eating crackers Caitsy? Do you have mirrors in your house? Take a look at that mess ya made your body into woman?...Caitsy I like our little talks. I have fun, and I want them to last, off course I can't hang on much longer. The collective doesn't upvote my commentary, I guess. I'm at (1) on my reputation, but hell why worry about don't, right?


Why is this comment censored?

Your reputation proceeds you, lol.

Why is questioning, on why my original comment was censored, censored??

This is a true sign of your effectiveness, great work my protege!
From one DICK to another DICK, from one proponent of torture to another - I salute you!

Why is questioning, on why my original comment was censored, censored, and now my questioning the questioning of original comment is censored.??

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