Create a “None of the Above” Option for the U.S. Election

in #politics8 years ago

None of the Above  

As time goes by and the U.S. election draws near I am becoming disenchanted with the options. I suppose I am picky, but I think the most powerful position in the world, which represents and leads our country should be trustworthy, honorable, a strong sense of justice, and have a rational demeanor. I find the primary options to be severely lacking.    

What can concerned voters do? 

When you don’t have confidence in the available options of candidates, voters only have a few choices.  

  1. Don’t vote. I hate this option. The very foundations for democracy or representative-democracies is the fact that citizens can vote for their representatives and leaders. I feel not voting is undermining the very fabric of what makes the self-governance of the U.S. great 
  2. Vote for someone you don’t want. This is a backwards and pathetic option. Basically, you can vote against the person you don’t want to be in office. It is the lesser-of-two-evils approach, which is always miserable and leads to social unrest and unhappiness with whomever does win. This is not good for society. We should be voting for a candidate we WANT to be in office. 
  3. Vote for someone who won’t win. Voting for a candidate that has no real chance is a moral victory but doesn’t really contribute your vote to decision for the leader, which is usually between just two or three people. This is why many countries do preliminaries then do a final head-to-head vote between only two candidates. Such a practice brings all the final votes to matter in a run-off.

Mickey Mouse for President 

There is one other option that U.S. voters have been using for some time, the write-in protest vote. One of the most popular write-in candidates is the Disney character Mickey Mouse, which first appeared on ballots in 1932. This is not much better than other options.   

Could there be a better way?
Vote of No Confidence

What if there were a mandatory option, for every presidential election, to vote for “No Confidence in All Candidates”? If this option receives a majority vote, then all the candidates on the ticket must be dropped. The current standing president would remain in office for another 100 days while a re-election would be run. No candidates on the previous ticket could run! This would be a restart or do-over vote.    

Sometimes the political system works in mysterious ways. Final candidates sometimes are not the people who you thought they were. Many times more information about their character, past dirty deeds, and caustic views come out. But once the primaries have been run, you don’t get to back out. People many times vote reluctantly for their party, even though they are sickened of the candidate by the time the polls open. This gives an escape clause and allows the parties to find a better candidate.    

It would take a Constitutional amendment to be implemented, but I think it is the right evolution of democracy in our society, to compensate for various ways candidates game the system.

I say put the “No Confidence in All Candidates” option on the Presidential Ballot!


You forgot one badass candidate:


And that would be another candidate I would not vote for. :)

I am an immigrant, I cannot vote. (lucky me :-) )

Alice's plan in 10 points: (3 are good enough to vote for him):

  • Getting Brian Johnson back in AC/DC
  • A snake in every pot
  • No more pencils, no more books
  • Adding Lemmy to Mt. Rushmore
  • Rename Big Ben "Big Lemmy"
  • Groucho Marx on the $50 bill
  • Peter Sellers on the £20 note
  • Cupholders required for every airplane seat
  • Ban on talking during movies in movie theaters
  • Ban on taking selfies, except on a designated National Selfie Day

More info here:

I can fully give my support for these:

  • Getting Brian Johnson back in AC/DC
  • Cupholders required for every airplane seat
  • Ban on talking during movies in movie theaters (caveat: requests to pass the popcorn is allowable)

Yes we have had it here in India for two elections now. Use of this option is increasing especially in places where the candidate is controversial. I think this is a great option and forsee the day when it will be used effectively against bad people standing for elections.

I didn't know India has this option! Glad to hear it can scale.

Yes we do! It's known as NOTA !

I wish they could do this, or maybe a button called "Give me a real candidate and not 2 circus performers"

Is it not just the same if you don't vote?

There might be 2 dangerous people up for election, a 'no' vote still puts one of them in office.

I have voted in every presidential election since 1980.
I have never voted for ANY candidate who actually became president!
I am fairly certain that my record will remain intact this time around too.
I have a lot of issues with Gary Johnson as a candidate, but given a choice between Donnie, Shilly and Gary, it's a no-brainer.

"Just my 7 cents (2 cents after taxes and inflation)."

Glad you voted! That in itself is something to be proud of! As for your record, think of it this way, you are 100% consistent. Congratulations.

I hope someone else out there gets this one

Seems like a interesting concept. "The current standing president would remain in office for another 100 days while a re-election would be run." I can totally seeing that being abused if the elections are really rigged like people say...

It'd be cool if we had blockchain based voting lol.

Why would any "self-respecting" Democrap or Republican't vote in favor of adding NOTA to the ballot? Why would they be in favor of ANYTHING that would weaken their duopoly control of the economy and society?

Americans have been "voting" for NOTA in increasing numbers, by not voting at all. The US has some of the lowest voter turnout rates of any large democratic country.

Full report here:

"Just my 7 cents (2 cents after taxes and inflation)."

If the people demand it, seriously demand it, then it will be instituted. We have created and revoked amendments to the constitution. I agree it would not be easy, but Dang It, I think it should happen. I believe candidates would be better vetted and less games would go on after the primaries if they knew they could still be dropped. It would become a contest of finding and being the best candidate, rather than just mud slinging to make your opponent look worse than you. Is that really how we want to choose our leader?

It doesn't matter who the politicians are. Stop shopping and banking with the corporations that own them.

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