
After the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I, the German people were humiliated. Humiliated really isn't the right term but I can't think of one that is closer to being accurate. Then along comes Hitler that tells them they are a great people, that they should be respected. Who wouldn't fall behind this kind of leader? He's lifting them up, making them feel better about themselves.

Hitler could have been a real positive influence on Germany, and I believe this to the point that I once wanted to learn German enough to be able to read Hitler's book Mein Kampf in German. I never got there. Hitler's story is on along the lines of "power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely".

Anyone who believes in socialism should really examine Hitler's story and understand that his evil grew out of a socialist party.

Guess they need to publish that book in Spanish, too. Ocasio-Cortez might need a personal copy.

I think Venzuela could use her.

Venezuela is one of the countries on a list that we should all pitch in and buy her a one way plane ticket to.


Is a Go Fund Me effort in order.

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