The modern and oblivious liberal.

in #politics5 years ago


Two very important (and very obvious) things which highly educated and otherwise intelligent liberals have been pretty much oblivious to since the beginning of the crisis:

  1. that an unprecedented economic lockdown would bring about a new Great Depression which would cause much more damage and result in many more deaths than the virus itself; and

  2. that the pandemic is really a plandemic designed to provide the excuse and pave the way for the globalists’ long planned technocratic authoritarian tyranny.

Both of these things were and are incredibly obvious, but it seems like the more formal “education” someone has, or the more they rely on mainstream media, or the more they’re committed to liberal ideology, the less likely they are to even begin to recognize such huge, obvious, and dangerous threats.

That describes the majority of liberals, but there’s another category: those who are fully aware of these two threats, but welcome them because they actually WANT another Great Depression followed by a global technocratic authoritarian tyranny. Some of these people are faux conservatives, but the vast majority would describe themselves as liberals. George Soros is a good example.

When I denigrate liberals, I’m talking about the modern variety: politically correct virtue signaling Cultural Marxists who are often pro corporate neoliberals at the same time, and neoconservatives by default... a bizarre combination which reflects how screwed up this country has become.

If my language is sometimes inflammatory, it’s because we’re under siege and most people seem to have little idea where the attacks are coming from or that they’re even happening, let alone what the agenda is.