
They knew people would become complacent, and gave us the tools to recover our Republic. Sadly we will soon be at the point that this Nation will not survive liberal policies.

I am worried that there will be blood in the streets, started by liberals to gain political advantages. I expect antifa will be the source of the start of this violence.

It would be wise to be living in the country when this SHTF happens! We are warned in the Bible to flee the cities, in the end times!


If a war is started by the left (not necessarily liberals, I have met many who are as disgusted by the left and current democratic party as I am) it is in very bad foresight. As they are the ones who have said that the police can do the fighting for them, the rednecks and hillbillies and 2A supporters of all types are the ones who have an advantage in a civil war.

And if they think the military will step in and save them, first they have to give the order to fight civilians, second, they assume no one would desert and take as many resources as they can to support the patriots. Most military members I know will not stand for such an order and will turn their teams and resources agints the goverment very quickly if that were to ensue.

I believe if a civil war is started, it will be started by the liberals. I base this one just a few things: first the liberals have shown that they use violence as a political tool, then they think they have the right to force others to do as they say, and lastly, they think they can pick up a firearm and bullets, and be a force (without practice)

Also Historically, of the last hundred mass shootings; the entire list is populated by liberals! They are also, sadly, violent on command! This almost assures that they will start it.

I will guarantee that once begun, the media will report that the Conservatives were at fault! Some things are easy to predict, and they have blamed Conservatives after every shooting; and NEVER print a retraction when proven wrong!


Who starts it does not worry me. As who has the weapons as dictated by the 2A are those who can truly fight. And I think based off of that we know who will win in the long run. The world may not bode well during such a conflict though.

The World worries me more than the liberals! The liberals would be swept aside easily, they have no backbone, nor training; so that would be a short flight. BUT the UN would send in troops as fast as they could; and then the war would really begin in earnest! It would take time, and be violent!

So practice on Blue helmets at the range!


I've heard that from people. And every time I do I laugh. Because think about where the majority of the UN peacekeeping forces come from? The good ole USA. So there wouldn't be much coming over here XD

They would, I am sure, make certain that the blue helmet heads they send would be local! I am sure that Russia, and China would LOVE to put their troops on US Soil.

I still think that we should still consider practice on blue helmets a good use of time....

Less risk than when BHO was in DC, but still a significant worry, because of the deep state! They still treasure the one world order goal!


With things like that, the only thing to do is pray, and practice our rights as US citizens.