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RE: CNN Producer Says Russia Narrative “bullshit"

in #politics7 years ago

It is bullshit and they don't even care that they brought our two countries to the brink of nuclear war. How are people not pissed off? These guys are playing with real peoples lives if things got heated up that people die.


you cant just assume all of it is bullshit

Well I'm assuming most of it's bullshit because the guy from CNN said most of it's bullshit and they don't have hard proof.

Wait, let's assume some of it is real. How does that compare to the USA's meddling and direct involvement in overthrowing other governments, installing dictators, etc. over the last 100 years? Even if it is true, it doesn't matter. The USA has so much blood on its hands it should just shut up.

Hi! I am a Jujanen. I just upvoted you! I found similar content that readers might be interested in:

Just followed but keep steaming and thanks for the upvote did the same. More people that know of theses things the better.

CNN will die and free media (STEEMIT) will steem roll over their lying asses.

I see more outright lies and debunked pseudo science on steem than anywhere else.

I'll take Steemit news any day over Main Stream Media news.

STEEMIT commentary is not news. From what I am seeing so far, its just more left leaning regurgitation.

Breaking news is shared on here. We even have alternative news sites and journalists here contributing. What makes you write that when it is clearly incorrect? I'm confused by you.

What is your left and right anyway? The correct scale is liberty to tyranny. I am fighting to move that scale's needle towards liberty. You?

Maybe but at least on steemit you can reply, or choose to not upvote and let it die. The traditional media used to have power and they're losing it. They have a vested interest to lie and create sensational headlines to please their advertisers with views.

They have a vested interest not to lie. Sensationalism is another issue.

the problem we have is there is little or no news any longer. Just narrative and commentary. Real news, like the Crooked Clintons selling us out for millions gets covered up with poor "Barbie and Ken" got their feelings hurt.

Had I not been a Fox news network watcher, I might not have seen this either. It amazes me that CNN and MSNBC spend so much time making up stories that they don't have time to actually report the real news. The truth is, that the Russian Story makes money, but coupling it with Trump makes even more money. Trump is their biggest moneymaker.

Funny, Fox News viewers are objectively the more misinformed group.

WOW, was that an insult?

this stupid report states that folks a certain percentage of msnbc or fox news viewers couldn't answer questions correctly. What were the questions? I guarantee you, no one who watches morning joe , Rachel Madcow, or the view, or in your case the late night talk show idiots, will know anything about real foreign or domestic policies

Mhmmmm but only one network ranked worse than people who don't watch anything.

Again, what were the questions? Why is the left so obsessed with legitimizing not only Fox News but also those of us who watch it. Actually, I watch CNN, and MSNBC and Fox News, so I think I am a more reliable source of understanding both sides. That is just logical, if all you know about fox, is what MSN is saying about them or all you know about conservative ideologue is what the dumbcoffs who host the late night shows are saying then that makes you really shallow. I have actually heard people say they wont watch Fox because the didn't like BIll O'Reilly. I personally cant stand Rachale Madcow but I listen to her rants to see if she has anything legitimate to say. Your news article that you quote has a good chance of being fake news just to advance this idiots agenda too. I guess just because Jesse Waters is on Fox makes his man in the streets series illegitimate for some reason too? I just watched his JUly 4th civics questions and while he is balanced when it comes to showing what the college students knew (half got the questons right and half got the questions wrong) is there any excuse for a college civics class student not knowing the year of our independence or how many senators are in the senate?

that is about the dumbest remark I have read today. You are just regurgitating a BS left wing news commentary as if it is the final authority. I may be "uninformed" but I'm not an idiot who regurgitates other idiot's commentaries

Yeah, I hate to break it to you, but Fox News is no better. I was a faithful watcher of Fox News back when I was still a neo con. They are just as guilty of manipulating the truth in their favor (to control the masses).

so what are you now?

I seek the truth no matter how inconvenient or painful it is. :)

I'm a voluntaryist. Sorry, I misunderstood the question while using my phone to originally reply.

Youtube is the place to be!

More here on the possibilities of full out war with Russia. This is also from yesterday - images of US UN rep Nikki Haley and White House spokesperson Sean Spicer Tweets at link:

All while the US military and its allies are using white phosphorus and other banned weapons? It's an insulting joke.