I don't care if people stand during a song while a flag is being waved... I just don't caresteemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics7 years ago


So today's two minutes of hate courtesy of our Main Stream Media Masters is that some professional football players are kneeling rather than standing during the singing of the National Anthem.

I confess that I could care less about this issue. There are actual people dying in the streets in the world. Whether over-paid sports celebrities kneel or stand for a song doesn't interest me in the least. What I want to know is how their protest or any action they are taking are actually going to solve the problem of too many people (whatever their race) being killed by others in the streets? Anything? Anything at all?

Well... if not.. it does not interest me. It just seems like silly bickering and posturing on everybody's part on this issue. Donald Trump can use it to score some points with his Red Meat base, and the football players can use their protest to raise their profile, maybe up their salaries and the Media can use this contreversy to sell advertisements on their broadcasts.

But what about the people who have actually been killed and their families? Where is the media on that?

Right... it's nowhere. Because we're not supposed to pay attention to what the protestors are actually protesting about... we're just supposed to be seduced by whatever nonsense the perfectly coiffed talking heads on TV News tell us to pay attention to.

I swear that this is the beauty of not even owing a TV set... most of the time you can avoid this sort of made up maelstrom.

I respectfully disagree. I don't watch sports or TV. I believe that sports are a distraction and TV is programming. I believe that the powers that be would like nothing more than for you to sit back and watch your football game without controversy. Because even the smallest amount of controversy require thinking. The question is, how can overpaid celebrities ( and remember, they can only get paid what the people believe their are worth.) solve the problem of people being killed in the streets. People are being killed because they are out of touch, another way of saying that would be a lack of consciousness. There are many people who still believe that this is the land of the brave and the home of the free and those who are called black all came over on slave ships. Not one of those beliefs are accurate.. The problems in this country is so deep that you have to go to the root identify them. And the star spangled banner is deeply connected to the root. If your interested in that history, you can find it here.


My point is people need to deprogrammed and you cant deprogram if your unconscious. The only way to deprogram is to raise the issue up from the subconscious to the conscious. Having said that, I present this also for your edification.

Good day @somena I appreciate all the info and hard work thank you :) Followed

Hi, as a sign of my support for the tag #sports and #football, I vote for you and begin to follow you

Good post, I love the 1984 ref. "two minutes of hate" ... I don't do sports at all, (out of touch for a reason) but I do agree at what your saying.

Your friend, Tim

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