America, We Dodged a BulletsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics8 years ago

Here's my take on the parallel post America, We Screwed Up by @fenglosophy. It's not a point by point rebuttal, just how I processed what was important vs what was noise.

First off, I think Trump, Hillary, Obama and Ryan all made pitch perfect post-mortem speeches. A gratifying ending to a bitter fight.

Trump and Hillary were both the worst possible candidates their parties could have picked. So it seems that the voters were forced to look at what their stated objectives were instead... unless they got distracted by red herrings and failed to think it through to when the dust settles.

I was worried that Hillary would keep her promises and am equally worried that Trump will not.

Personal Character Red Herrings

  • Donald is a sinner like the rest of us at the personal level.
  • Hillary was a champion of sin at the national level.

One is orders of magnitude more significant than the other, however distasteful they both may be.

Big policy wins overwhelmed personal character issues for me:

  • Constitutionalist Supreme Court composition for the rest of my life.
  • Repeal of Obamacare
  • Halt uncontrolled flow of hostile immigrants / refugees like we see overrunning Europe.
  • Honor constitutionally guaranteed rights to life and self-defense.
  • Reduced economy-killing regulatory overreach
  • Repeal of all unlegislated Obama executive orders
  • Draining the swamp of entrenched corruption in all of government and media.
  • Ending Iran's unrestricted path to The Bomb
  • Restoring world leadership credibility
  • Rebirth of clean fossil fuels industry
  • Slowing the globalist freight train.
  • Erasing of the Obama legacy.
  • Solid control of all branches of government
  • Escape from suffocating Political Correctness
  • Expatriation of arrogant elites (if they keep their promises to leave). :P
  • Encourage secession of the Left Coast. :P

This is the agenda that will now be pursued by a CEO who is used to delegating to the best and brightest. Trump doesn't need to know how to achieve these - he just needs to ensure that they get done. He is very qualified to do that.

I also hope He will make good on his plan to reach out to minorities by rebuilding inner cities where many of them have waited for generations for their chosen party to do something. He obviously knows how to rebuild inner cities, does he not? Success here could result in a huge realignment of minority support over four years.

Anyway, you may not agree with any of these objectives, but half of Americans do.

And it is not because they are stupid.

In the end, we're all dead anyway.

This election was a fight over who gets to take the blame for a global economic collapse that is already baked in the cake.
Be careful what you wish for.

I also take comfort that “The heart of the king is in the hands of God and He turns it whichever way He will”.


I love the article, thankyou. Trump is far from perfect but I think it is a blessing to have him in compared to Hillary. He only has to half the stuff to be one of the most effective presidents ever. I totally agree about the collapse as well. I think they let him win without stealing the election from him so the fed could raise rates and blame the impending crash on Trump when it has been coming since 1913.

global economic collapse that is already baked in the cake

You're right. We can pretend the inevitable won't happen, but it is still inevitable.

Well stated, Stan.

Draining the swamp is just as important as the Supreme Court picks. The obama has already shown us that the Supreme Court doesn't matter if the government on the operating level doesn't do what it's supposed to do.

Good writeup.

I hope he is able to drain the swamp, but I'm not getting my hopes up. The deep state is so well entrenched, so well funded, so embedded in every aspect of government, I don't think even Trump can change that. Trump is just a band aid, as you said, the collapse is coming no matter what.

You are probably right, but at least we may have moved our foot from the accelerator to the break.

Exactly. That's the way I see it, just bought ourselves a little more time to get prepared, keep spreading the word and build the new economy/system

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