Conservatism is not Synonymous With Bigotry

in #politics7 years ago

      The past few years have birthed one of the most polarizing political environments in the history of the United States. Based on what I've heard from others, the seeds were planted way back in 2008 when Obama was elected, however being pretty young at that time myself, I never noticed just how bad things were until Trump was first running in the primaries. Things slowly built up from there until he got elected, and then suddenly half the country was ready for a second civil war.

      I'm directing this post at you, liberals. Conservatism isn't synonymous with racism, ill intention, and ignorance like you seem to believe. Just as liberalism isn't synonymous with stupidity, naivety, and lack of a backbone as those on the right would have us all think. However the way things are right now... the left is becoming a serious issue. I consider myself more of a centrist than anything, but with how much deception, indoctrination, and corruption is running rampant on the left side of the political spectrum here in America... I'm disgusted, quite frankly.

      The central narrative being pushed by the media is that anyone remotely right of center is a fascist. We're told that social or fiscal conservatism are just alternative terms for bigotry, and anyone who does not subscribe to far left ideologies is an Alt-Right white supremacist. This needs to stop. I would never brand myself as a conservative. My thoughts on how moronic subscribing to any rigid ideology is aside, I just don't fit the classic conservative mold, and I don't think I ever will. However, the fact that the left has become such an outrageous caricature of it's worst qualities has forced me to align myself with the right... which doesn't sit right with me.

      As I said up above, the right is guilty of slandering the left too. However the extent to which left wingers are doing this is becoming a serious detriment to our culture. The public schooling system is indoctrinating young minds every single day, and this doesn't stop when they graduate high school. More and more young adults are enrolling in college every single day where radical Marxism is further infecting their minds. These people seem to have forgotten history, they haven't done the research which would show them just how damaging Marxism is when it's instated. Yet they're dead set on it being the answer, because they've been taught that anyone who says otherwise is an evil, physical embodiment of ignorance stuck in the 1950s. Either that, or they're rich and selfish. My favorite is actually when they just assert that "true Marxism" has never been tried. Claiming how it'd be different if they were in control. Things would prosper if they were the dictator. When ironically, the kinds of people who say these things are exactly the type of person who should never be in power.

      The level to which the left has pushed identity politics onto the population is highly alarming. To the point where any minority group who does not dogmatically identify with far leftist belief systems is either a race traitor, or replete with self hate. They're ostracized by their peers, and in a lot of cases forced by social pressures to conform to the dominant narrative widely perceived as the "moral" option. This isn't even strictly delegated to these minority groups, it often happens with teens/young adults across all demographics.

      People have forgotten what it means to have differing belief systems, and the liberal population is the biggest perpetrator of this. To them, you're not simply someone who holds different social, economical, or governmental beliefs. Someone who only wants what's best for the country at large, but simply holds different beliefs as to which direction to go in. You're a malicious, bigoted, and regressive individual who needs to be stamped out. This has alarmingly caused sectors of the right to respond in kind, creating a toxic cycle.

      When you reduce someone who disagrees with you to something as egregious as - say - a Nazi. You no longer have to engage in a thoughtful dialogue with them. In fact, discourse is now discouraged. Why would you even give such a terrible person the time of day? It'd be moronic to give someone so deplorable a platform. This is why when someone like Ben Shapiro - a genuinely intelligent and moderate guy, regardless of how much you agree or disagree with him - is labeled an alt right Nazi when he goes to speak on college campuses, the students at wide will no longer accept anything he says as being fully thought out or well intentioned. They've already made up their minds, because once you have such an extreme perception of someone it's difficult to turn back. The most amusing part of this is that Shapiro is actually in fact a practicing Jew... yet they think he's a Nazi? Tell me how that works...

No, I'm not a Trump supporter just because I think Hillary Clinton is the worst politician to have ever held office in my entire life. And even if I was, all Trump supporters are not racist assholes who want to murder all gays and blacks.

"Maybe not all Trump supporters are racists, but all racists sure are Trump supporters"

This is also extremely untrue. Do you know just how bigoted the far left truly is? They've single handedly waged a mass societal war on white people. Specifically white males. Even more specifically, straight cisgender white males. They teach the country that if you're one of those... then you're responsible for everything wrong with society. So no, all racists and sexists didn't vote for Trump, because a great deal of them are the ones vilifying him and his supporters solely on the merit that they're either A. Right Wing, B. White, C. Male, D. Straight, or E. Not a Transgender. So if you're one of the people I described in this post, on either side of the spectrum. You're what's wrong with our culture, not a race or gender. People who share your toxic beliefs...


I appreciate the feedback! ha

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