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RE: Trump supporters, what about his endorsement of torture and the murdering of the innocent families of terrorists? [repost]

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Nice off topic PC addition... why add that first sentence?

It doesn't matter who started it, we are stuck with it. It would be nice to see some action to finish it.
And yes, Hillary was the Secretary of State during these wars, she would continue them just for political power.

Edit to respond because of thread comment limit:
They have declared war. It does not matter who started it 20 years ago, neither of us had any say in it... War has been declared and they are attacking now (every month or so).

You are acting like the OP, all the killing is a normal part of war that both sides are engaged in.
At this point someone has to have the will to stop it, probably by doing even worse things, otherwise this terrorist killing of innocent bystanders will just continue. That is how wars end, with a massive push that kills the most enemies, demoralizes them enough to stop fighting, and makes them want to stop to protect their families or homeland. This was is even worse because there is no enemy homeland, it is a religion spread across the world. The only way to make them want to stop their attack on the world, is to make them fear for their friends and families and religions safety and continued existence.


Lowering ourselves to the level of terrorists that kill innocent people would make us just as bad, if not worse. I get the feeling that if you were living in Syria you'd be one of the assholes who joined ISIS because you don't seem to have any respect for life.

Well, you said the terrorists declared war, and I disagree. I also disagree that bringing fear and death over them will end it. That's what started the whole issue in the first place.
Pledging to kill the families of terrorists or supporters is just insane. For them, blood relationships are a lot more important than for us. By killing the wife and kids of one guy, you suddenly have 10 angry cousins against you. Thought till the end, you'd have to clear out the whole area ;-)

You have to stop killing to end wars.

// I still disagree. That strategy may work against standing armies in conventional warfare. But fear is what fuels the religious zealot. You cannot kill a billion people, and you cannot keep them in submission forever.
But as you said, we don't have a saying anyway. I was opposed to starting the wars, nobody cares about my opinion today. This topic is about politicians, and none of them advocates peace.

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