100 Years Ago Today

in #politics7 years ago

War Bonds vs Booze

On this day 100 years ago...

The citizens of El Paso Texas are encouraged to stop drinking for a year, in order to help pay for the war.

"If they will cut out the booze for 12 months, they can pay in full their subscription of $1,000,000 without any draft on their financial resources greater than they are now carrying."


Do you think this would work today, if need be?



I don't think so. People probably don't drink much more per capita than back then, but military spending has increased by huge amounts. They would have to do something far more drastic to pay for the military

it was $1,000,000 back then and a city the size of el paso I'm sure drinks more than a million dollars worth of alcohol today per year. but ya it wouldn't cover much costs in todays military.

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