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RE: The lies and hypocrisy of Boris Johnson

in #politics5 years ago

It's all a bit tragic really.

Once you voted 'leave' the plucky Brits should have re-conected with the Commonwealth - a much larger market then the EU and said let's fecking go for it. We're out and we're proud and we're going to show the world we can stand on our own two feet and be the international powerhouse we used to be, but better.

Instead your politicians have been mired in fear and indecision. They have failed you miserably. And that's really sad. This could have been such a positive thing for Britain. (or you could have stayed with it being equally positive)

The Greeks had their chance and flinched at the vital moment, giving victory to the bankers. Now Britain has followed suit. And the power and control of Brussels and Germany grows.....


I am so disappointed in most of our politicians. Labour have done bugger all to help matters as they are divided and worried about marginal seats. We need brave politicians, but just seem to have loud ones.

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