Lame Duck Meme - AI ImagesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics4 months ago

In the United States, there is a gap between the election and inauguration. The gap is necessary as it allows for an organized transfer of power. The gap means that there is a legislation and administration session which people often called a "Lame Duck Session."

Lame duck sessions are often dominated by politicians who are on the way out. Sadly lame duck politicians and administrators are known to pass bills or enact rules that allow them to cash in for the time in office.

Regardless of which party is on the out, lame duck sessions are notorious for bad legislation as lame duck legislation is often driven by the greed of the exiting politicians and not the needs of the people.

I had decided to generate an image a day. As we are entering the lame duck session, I decided to generate an image of lame ducks on a pile of coins. I think it is a fun #meme

I think lame duck sessions are interesting as they often expose the special interest groups that install the politicians.

Courts consider AI Images to be near public domain. Feel free to use the image on posts about lame duck legislations.

Here is high resolution version of the image