✦✦✦ Poloniex and Blockfolio Today...It's "MURDER SHE WROTE"....Again.✦✦✦ 😩
Mmk My Beautiful PEEPS,
It's Onn, aka #Onntastic once again and I'm just here to tell ya that I FEEL YOUR PAIN. Last night here in Southern California I was doing some late night cruisin' on the internet. Ya know, as most "normal" people do when they are procrastinating like yours truly... 😬
So as I was saying, I was online messin' around and I wanted to check Poloniex and get a general state of the market before bed. I have already noticed earlier in the morning that things were starting to take a teensie dip. Well, I didn't feel like loggin' in and doing the damn 2-Factor Authentification crap (okay I know this really IS muy importante!), so I skipped signing in and just checked the markets. Typically I will sort the percentage change from High to Low and vice versa to see what's going down. I like to see if there is any foolishness happening in either direction. And man--it was so quiet. I mean of course there were trades happening and poppin' off like they tend to do in the Poloniex universe but the highest percentage change was barely over 10% and the lowest dip was at -14.55% with Vertcoin.
I remember the days which weren't that long ago and I'd do this little sorting number and the highs could easily be over 50%, 80%, and sometimes pure idiotic PUMPS at over 100%! And we've all seen the nose dives (dumps) in those same percentages as well.
When I realized this my inner voice said:
"Here we go again....It's the calm before the storm."
Screen shots of Highest to Lowest 24hr changes (Left) and the reverse (Right)
Then today I checked my Blockfolio App after 7pm Pacific, and it was most certainly red all over. I call this the MURDER SHE WROTE.😅
Here's a super nano second video of what I witnessed!!!
Well fambam, if you've been doing this a while, you are no stranger to the MURDER SHE WROTE days. This is the wild, WILD WEST and we just gotta RIDE THE PONY. 🐴
We have to shift our perspectives and:
🔸Stay Calm
🔸Exercise our smart investor muscles
🔸Not F-r-e-a-k and dump like it's 1999
Afterall, you know what comes DOWN must come the hell back UP. And you already know what the whales are doin'. Follow suit if it's not gonna break your back.
We're in this TOGETHER! 😉
📍 Alright, hope you enjoyed. Please remember let's all HELP n' SUPPORT each other by doing any of the following:
🔹Following if ya wanna see more of my content 😝
Gratefully Yours,
Welcoming all Spiritual Vibes. 😉 💜
Twitter: @OnnMoore (https://twitter.com/onnmoore)
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