Lost the Bitcoin, Lost the Computer, Still in Love with STEEM

in #post8 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone. About two months ago, I suddenly had a problem with my computer -- it just shut off, didn't know why. Process of elimination time: buy a new GPU for 300, nope, that's not the problem; you even got the wrong DVI adapter, dumbass. I buy a new monitor that will hopefully fit the new DisplayPort for 125.. guess what, it didn't fix the damn computer! Thing still wouldn't turn on (at least I got a brand new working monitor, time to pat myself on the back), so I guessed that since it wasn't the PSU, it HAD to be CPU, even though I had bought a new 8-Core (P.O.S.) AMD CPU the February of this year. 2 days later, Amazon brings my new CPU to the mailbox. Guess what? Amazon sent me a faulty CPU. Pins on the back of it chipped and everything. What the dickens.

So, since I had spent around 600-800 at this point, I said to myself "screw it, I'm returning all this shit to Amazon" (besides the pretty monitor, of course). With the amount of money I was spending on parts, I could have just bought a pre-made computer -- just like our average Joe! Being my first time buying a new computer pre-built, I was looking for the best deal on a semi-decent gaming rig. Which rig did I pick, you ask? This bad boy right here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B011D79R34/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

It's been a month since I've had the computer, and besides a blue screen here and there it's been working like a charm. Just today (treat me softly, I'm a STEEM noobie), I was on my new over-priced desktop, learning up all I can in a short period of time before my medicine kicks in. I figure that what would be more appropriate to start my first STEEMIT post! While I'm blissfully typing away, I decide to learn how to mine STEEM. A little different, but nothing I was never accustomed to. At this point, I'm so in love with STEEM and STEEMIT that I decide to invest some money into STEEM Points (or credits, whatever). I sent the BTC to the address AND..



So yeah. Lost the BTC, lost the post, lost the computer, lost the compiled miner.. I could keep complaining. Anywhoo, I'm Matt. I'll do a proper introduction soon when I'm not as furious. My god does that computer blow.

At least I have STEEM. This thing seems like the most innovative thing to happen to cryptocurrency since .. CryptoSexToys? I hope that site is still around.

More to come. GGNORE.


The computer will get fixed, dear! Proud of you though <3

Proud of me for what, having a broken computer? xd thanks though babe.

No, just in general :)

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