The fact of Prepping is that it is theory

in #prepping7 years ago

If you're someone who has researched prepping being for a local/regional disaster such as a hurricane, flooding, or the economical collapse , there is so much information to comb through. Its almost too much and can be not only confusing, but there is a lot of misinformation out there. You can listen to all of the YouTube and forum "experts" telling you what to have and how to prepare but this is all theory. Why do I say this? Because almost all of these people have never been through a SHTF and most definitely have never been through a TEOTWAWKI situation. They are also many times speaking from their own point of views and location. What works in Florida will definitely be different for Michigan. I'm trying to be real and not cynical, so please don't take this as a hit piece on these people who really do give a good baseline and some solid information.

I have lived in Third World countries while in the military, but cannot relay the views of everyday life of these people because I had three hots and a cot waiting for me back on the base every day. I witnessed it, but really didn't experience it. Now back here in the States, taking all of the recent disasters that have happened and you'll find that it really has affected only a small percentage of the population.

This is not to be insensitive to the pain and fears that these people went through. My point is that we do have people who have gone through amazing trials, but are usually not the ones on these platforms giving prepping advice. Not to be mean, but through my observations and research it's usually someone filming from their backyard, a park, or camping. Again, this is a good baseline for their theory on prepping, but ask the Katrina survivors sitting on their rooftops waiting to be rescued if all the preps they had would be given up for one row boat.

So I should explain why I'm rambling on about why prepping is theory. Unless you've actually been through something, to prepare for it is theory. You have an idea of what may happen through reading history, but there are so many variables that it could be better or worse than expected. I am a proud Prepper. To be better prepared, I stick to the basics. Shelter, water, cooking, food, and security. We can in theory, prepare for a lot of things, but never everything. I hope by saying that prepping is a theory will at least take some pressure and stress off of you. Don't be scared like I was when watching these experts tell me who would be the first to die in a SHTF situation. Really, dude? Who's your source? Where does this info come from? To my fellow preppers, from a student prepper. Know your area, bug in or out is up to you. Only you have that answer. Be smart in your preps, have a plan and as they say in the military: Keep It Simple, Stupid.


Excellent article, and I agree.

Whole industries are popping up to keep you safe, and the more you spend the better off they are :-) Opportunists for the most part. But also kind loving souls that want to help and sell you nothing.
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