Probiotic Foods are more important than we thought!

in #probiotics7 years ago (edited)

Hi guys, here is some valuable information about probiotics. Recently i have done a lot of research into the topic and wanted to share some amazing facts on which foods to avoid and also how to boost your probiotic levels. The better gut health, the better you feel inside and out!


First things first lets just outline the issue. Poor gut health means digestive problems and can lead to a whole host of degenerative diseases from graves all the way through to cancer. Here is a good photo to outline the problems.


Here are the main things to AVOID:

Refined Sugar
Tap water
GMO foods
Processed Grains
Artificial ingredients

Here are the main probiotic foods to INCLUDE:

Coconut Kefir
Raw Cheese

If you can cut out the things to AVOID and begin to INCLUDE all the good probiotic foods. In my personal experience your mood will be lifted, your feel less tired and overall health and wellbeing will improve! Here are some of the benefits:

Boosts Immune System
Improves digestion
Reduce flu and colds
Reduce Antibiotic damage
Help kidney stones
Prevent gum disease
Treat liver disease
Cue Cancer
Help autism
Lower cholesterol
Weight Lose

Thats it guys. Thanks for reading this! I know i haven't gone into much detail but this is just a quick overview to get the ball rolling. If your are suffering from any problems listed above i really advise giving this a go. Theres nothing to lose and in my personal experience my mood was lifted and my overall health massively improved. Having drunk myself through university, this was something i was eager to give a try! The results were amazing and i feel great to this day.

Please comment and follow me for more interesting stuff!

Cheers again steem it legends.

Peace out from Greenerz!


Thanks for the info!

Great post! Nice to see you getting the importance of gut health out there.

Its more important than average people think!

This is an excellently written article with heaps of good info! However I just want to clarify one thing,

Here are the main things to AVOID:
Refined Grains

Refined grains differ from whole grains, The vast majority of the fibre has been removed from refined grains and they are usually processed with chemicals, also they are normally far more calorie dense (more calories per gramme).

Keep on Steemin friend :) I've followed to show support or your efforts and see what other interesting articles you post.

thats for the comment buddy! Your exactly right, whole grains are good for your heath. thanks for pointed that out, going to change it now!

very interesting, I m gonna start drinking Kefir.
But how come tap water is bad for us ?
Sorry If this is a stupid question
By the way , I am following you

hi there carodebali! This does depend on the area you live in but generally the chemicals used to clean tap water kill off bacteria. When you drink the water the chemicals kill off the friendly bacteria as well as harmful. This lowers all bacteria in your stomach which is bad for digestion. There are also other contaminants like fluoride which also are bad for gut bacteria. Did that answer your question :)?

yes thanks for that, I didn't know about that

I have problems with candida for past 2 and half years, those probiotics keep me alive... Humanity is lost in capitalism, people are too greedy for money even they already have enough for 5 generations, they wont to stop and wish more and more which lead us to bad food which at the end cause many problems with health ...

very true, people have lost sight of what really matters. health is wealth! The food industry only care about profits not the nutritional needs of the people who consume there products :(. thanks for the comment buddy :)

HI, Good post. I have been eating and drinking alot of probiotic foods in the past two years and it has been making a big difference in my health. I cut out soft-drinks, wheat products (due to a new intolerance) and my joint pain disappeared. I don't get muscle cramps in my legs and back anymore. My weight has dropped by 42 pounds. One additonal thing that has helped alot has been eating coconut oil. I take a spoonful of organic coconut oil in the morning and at night. I hope many more people can break away from the gmo wheat products and all the processed foods that flood our grocery stores. Cheers.

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