in #productivity8 years ago

One of the biggest causes of failing to make money online is the issue of shiny object syndromes. If you are a newbie to the world of internet marketing, then it’s possible you may not have heard or understood the term ‘shiny object syndrome.’ It is the false belief that the newly released push button software product or affiliate program will bring an end to your money worries. Then when another program is released, you jump on it, believing this time that this new product will make you financially free…and so on and so forth.
This belief is usually held by newbies or people who are just beginning to understand that money can be made via the use of the internet. There’s virtually no successful internet marketer today that has not been struck with shiny object syndrome except a very lucky few. A newbie comes online, and a new program that was just launched catches his eye, with the sales page telling him how he would make money at the push of a software button. The newbie fishes out his credit card and purchases the product. As he is still trying to fully understand the system or program, he stumbles across another powerfully hyped sales page promising to make him money in a ‘lazy’ way; and off he goes again, abandoning the product just purchased for the ‘lazy’ system. As a result of this, because he suffers from shiny object syndrome, he never gets to finish what he starts. Shiny object syndrome is almost an irrepressible disease for a majority of online newbies.
The truth is, internet marketers are always looking for the next opportunity to hit it big financially on the web. It is true that new ideas, strategies, and methods are always found, most times, accidentally by veteran internet marketers or sometimes by the occasional newbie. But the issue of doing away with the old system for the new program or system is not the way to make long-lasting money on the internet.
It is human nature always to seek out the newest or latest opportunity one can lay hands on to improve life. But if you don’t or cannot control this unquenchable thirst for supposedly new products or programs, then there is no way you can do well online as an internet marketer.
One of the over-hyped sales messages passed across by marketers is that you can utilize or follow a seemingly ‘lazy’ method of making money on the internet. But the fact is, there is no easy way to making money on the web. To earn money online, you must be ready to work hard and work smart. There is no push button software or switch anywhere online that can or will make you rich overnight. But there are methods or techniques to follow which makes certain processes of making money uncomplicated.
But is there any way you can tell the difference between seeking for better ways or means of making money on the web and the shiny object syndrome? To make consistent money online, you need to find a working system or strategy and stick with it until it begins to yield financial fruits. Search for information or a strategy that will improve your current business. Before you bring out your credit card to make that purchase, ask yourself, “how will this program or system help to improve my business? Is it worth the time, money and energy? Is it something I can implement on my own or will I need outside help? Is it an entirely different program that will take my focus away from this current online business that I am running?” As soon as you answer these questions truthfully to yourself, then you can go ahead to make a decision that you feel is right.
Never get taken in by the hype on that sales page. A professional writer probably did the copywriting, and the message on that sales page is to persuade you or convince you to purchase the product or so-called system. Excellent copywriters charge high fees because they know how to use words to weave and whip up sentiments so great that, you would have gone ahead to make the purchase before you realize what is happening. Even veteran internet marketers are still caught once in a while with the urge to buy that newly launched online program or video series or sign up for a membership class.
Another method you should implement to avoid getting your wallet or bankroll drained as a result of being infected with shiny object syndrome is to weigh the value of each offer when you come across it and then file the offer away. After about a week or so, you can go ahead to consider how useful that product or membership class will be to you. By this time, you are no longer controlled by the raging force that was pushing you to purchase a week earlier and be able to evaluate the program or system properly before making a buying decision.
Another trick used by smart internet marketers is to offer low-end products and present one-time offers that seem too irresistible to pass up. Others use the dime sale tactic whereby, the price of the product or system goes up after each purchase. All they want to do is to create a scarcity mindset in your mind that will move you to respond before you think it through. It is an inevitable fact that your email inbox will be flooded with ‘newly discovered’ offers; therefore, resist the temptation of trying something new that will make you a truckload of money within a short time.
One action that will make it easier for you to resist the temptation is to unsubscribe from the mailing list of every marketer who is out to get your money and does not have your best interests at heart. These types of marketers are very easy to spot. These usually promote different products almost at the same time and will bombard you with each of the offers. Delete their emails and unsubscribe from their email list.
Bear in mind that the adverse effect of shiny object syndrome is a drained bank account with no hope of getting stuffed with cash soon. Turn away from every alleged magic bullet to riches; they don’t exist.

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