The Art of Fulfilling Promises (3 unexpected results)
A promise is a spoken word that something will happen. Promises are easily spoken, but difficult to fulfill. We live in a time when words are cheap, people are "busy," and following through is no longer the standard.
Instead, promises are constantly broken, and our integrity is chipped away by our "good intentions" that were never really that good.

Make A Difference, Keep A Promise
It seems obvious that keeping a promise is beneficial to the other person, but I believe that keeping a promise is equally, and perhaps even more, beneficial to the promise keeper.
Promises Are Built With Integrity
The word integrity refers to someone who has high moral standards. When we keep our promises, we have been honest and truthful. When we keep our promises, we begin our journey of striving for moral excellence.
A promise is not simply the words that are spoken, but also the actions that accompany our words. May the words of our mouths express the intentions of our heart through practical and kind actions. May we be people who have high standards. May our words be highly valued by others because we highly value our own integrity.
I am not speaking of self-appointed righteousness, but rather a lifestyle that other people see in us that is full of integrity and love.
Promises Are Executed in Love
I tend to think of promises in an encouraging light. I guess that the threat of violence is a promise to some degree, but even the vilest of humanity make good promises to those they love most. I think of promises as good gifts that I shower on other people to prove that I love them, cherish them, value them, and/or respect them. For me, my words (whether spoken to my closest loved ones or the stranger I just met) can be proof that I care.
Simply put, a promise is an act of love. Love is sacrificial, meaning that there is a cost for the giver. A promise may require sacrifice as well - time, resources, knowledge, etc.
A kept promise is proof of love. A broken promise, even a small one, can leave people broken-hearted and alone. May I be a man who not only speaks love but equally shows love with my actions.
Promises Can Change the Future
I have always wanted to be a change agent. I want to be someone who can use my knowledge and influence to change the lives of the people around me. And although I strive to execute grand plans, I must never forget that being a man of my word makes a difference in the lives of the people around me.
Never forget that keeping a promise can change someone's day, month, year, and life. Your integrity and expressions of love are meaningful to the people who need encouragement and support.
Big changes start with small actions. Revolutions and reformations start with first steps. Be the change agent that you deeply desire to be by being men and women who fulfill promises.
Final Thoughts
Keeping a promise is a simple, logical concept. But for some of us, it takes a lifetime for us to master the art of fulfilling promises. We cannot allow the excuses of busyness and tiredness to stop us from following through. We cannot allow the qualities of laziness and self-centeredness to prevent us from blessing others.
As I write, I am convicted of my own failures. I want to master the art of fulfilling promises, and I invite you to do the same.
- Do you find it challenging to keep a promise?
- What is the biggest reason why you break your promises?
I look forward to hearing your responses. Thanks for stopping by!

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I am happy to see you again @sumatranate, where have you been. I check your last post and I worried. I wish everything is alright
Just online one promise I could not fulfill till the time I write this post, but I want to fulfill it, but I don't have enough resource to do so.
I am trying to fulfill it.
Thanks for checking up on me. I had a head injury on Monday last week. I needed some extra rest so I have not been on Steemit. Glad to be back on. I hope to write about my injury soon.
Get better son buddy, no worry about the post, I am waiting it
Keep strong promising
I do not find it challenging to keep promises because I don't make promises which I don't intend to keep. If I am making a promise, it means I am going to see that through no matter what.
My promises are generally broken as a result of happenstance, or a greater promise made due to change. It is essentially what I imperatively must do at that point in time because things have changed. Otherwise, I don't treat my promises like promises. I treat them oaths. And that what people in the modern world must realise as a part of their humanity.
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Do you find it challenging to keep a promise? No, it is easy. I always promise what is in my power to fulfill.
What is the biggest reason why you break your promises? That's easy too. If a person treats me ( or I found out something about him/her that is all together downright screaming awful) utterly wrong, terrible or harmful, I will not hesitate to turn my back and never think about that person ever again. Also, if I keep my side of a promise and a person on the other side is not, then there was no deal in the first place.
janji adalah sebuah hutang kehidupan. tak ada alasan untuk tidak membayar hutang, tapi sangat banyak diantara kita melupakan janji mereka seoalah tidak pernah mengucapkannya sama sekali, inilah salah satu penyebab saya sangat tidak suka pada pemerintah, karena selalu melanggar janji mereka
sampai saat ini saya adalah orang yang memegang teguh janji, bahkan saya sangat kecea bila ada yang melanggar janji atau menyia-nyiakannya, saat saya tidak bisa menepati janji karena suatu halangan besar, saya sangat merasa bersalah
promise is easy, and keep it a difficult thing. I am one of those people who have difficulty keeping promises, because I know I'm not an easy person to keep my promises, so I do not get too often to promise.
the reason I break the promise, because the circumstances are not as expected, when I promise I am sure and know I am able to keep it, when the day comes, there are obstacles that make me break the promise, not because I avoid, but for not being able to keep it , so that will make someone disappointed, but however I will try to keep that promise.
my advice ,, if you want to give hope not with the word "promise" but with the word "try". yes, I will try, not I promise, thus no one will be disappointed.
Exactly!It's wonderful when you keep a promise.It increases your credibility and it makes you a trust-worthy person.
Making promises is very difficult. Because he has to do it.