Did you know? QR codes do not need to be black & white. Looking forward to sharing with you some great news.
#Promo-Steem / #Promo-DigiByte
Promoting #Blockchain Businesses, Companies, Projects and #DApps around the World - #DigiByte Wallet
Lightning transaction speeds of #DigiByte
Did you know?
#QRcodes do not need to be black & white.
They can have any color or even multiple colors as long as the contrast between the #QRcode foreground and background is strong enough.
So you can create blue, red, green, color gradient #QRcodes..!!
Looking forward to sharing with you some great news.
Thank again for reading.

Patiently waiting to hear the great news you have to share with us this time @stephenkendal
Lol I see someone experimenting with paint bucket fill in paint ;)
Posted using Partiko Android