The prophet Samuel: He raised his voice in prophecy from the depths of the earth to put an end to the wickedness of the people. Ben Sira 46:20

in #prophecylast year

The teacher of wisdom Ben Sira wanted to teach in his book that wisdom is not an abstract and theoretical science, but a science with a deep practical meaning, that is why he taught how that wisdom from above was manifested through the most illustrious men of Israel, thus fulfilling a providential purpose.
And among these illustrious men, Ben Sira spoke of the prophet Samuel; this character from the Bible was throughout his life a judge, seer, priest, and prophet, leaving an indelible mark on the history of the people of Israel.
The prophet Samuel tells the Bible that he was conceived in the grace of God thanks to a vow made by his mother, Hannah, in the sanctuary of Shiloh, and thus Samuel was dedicated to the service of God from his childhood.
With these words began to describe him, Ben Sira:
"Honored among his people and beloved by his Creator,
pledged in a vow from his mother's womb,
and consecrated to the LORD in the prophetic office
was SAMUEL, the judge who offered sacrifice" Samuel 46:13.
And not only this, among the most notable acts of this prophet, who was appointed judge of Israel; Samuel also facilitated the transition from the aristocracy of the judges to the first monarchy of Israel by anointing Saul as the first King:
"At God's word, he established the monarchy
and anointed rulers of his people" Ben Sira 46:13.
Then Ben Sira described that Samuel carried impeccable righteousness throughout his life, and thus was recognized by his people; but then he ends the story by describing a notable fact, how Samuel after his death was summoned from the world of the dead by King Saul through the witch of Endor, in this way Ben Sira told about this mysterious fact:
"Even after he had fallen asleep, he prophesied once again,
warning the king of his approaching death.
He raised his voice in prophecy from the depths of the earth
to put an end to the wickedness of the people" Ben Sira 46:20.
With his famous actions, Samuel personified the wisdom of God, and became a source of inspiration for the prophets who followed him.
The prophet Samuel. He raised his voice in prophecy from the depths of the earth to put an end to the wickedness of the people. Ben Sira 46,20.jpg
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