Is Your Relatioship Over?... Ask the Psychic Agony Aunt

in #psychic8 years ago

Today I received an email from a lady who wanted to know if her relationship was completely over. She explained that her boyfriend of 3 years had told her that he wanted a break from her. He has blocked her on Whats app, Facebook and blocked her number on his mobile phone. She hasn't seen or heard from him for over a month.

This lady doesn't need a Psychic. She needs some common sense. The reason for her email was that she wanted me to say "Yes, I can see him contacting you in one week's time, apologizing for his behavior and you will live happily ever after"

What I actually said was, this relationship is over. You need to grieve for it, give yourself time to come to terms with it and then move on.

Most people come to a Psychic when they actually need a counselor. (Fortunately I am both Psychic and a qualified counselor). Unfortunately, they are clutching at straws and hoping that the Psychic will see a happy ending for them and most online or telephone Psychics will tell you what you want to hear.

This is cruel and elongates the grieving process. I have encountered several people who have wasted precious time, sometimes over two years, waiting for someone to return to them...just because a Psychic said they would.

I always try to be honest with my clients and sometimes, I can see a positive outcome and sometimes I can't.

The lady emailed me back to tell me that I was wrong in what I told her because several other psychics had assured her that he was coming back to her and they would get married in 2017. I replied and said that in 2017, she should email me back to let me know when the wedding was.

I'm not holding my breath.


Thаnks fоr thе gооd аrtiсlе

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