My Thoughts on Reincarnation

in #psychic7 years ago

People ask me a lot about reincarnation. So here's my view as a psychic medium's thoughts on it.

From everything I've been shown, have learned, every soul will reincarnate several times. The point of life from a soul level is to experience EVERY facet of the human experience. Throughout our lifetimes we all will be a murderer and the victim, the rapist and the raped, the rich and glamorous, and also the severely destitute. The morbidly obese, and the bulimic.
This happens to help evolve our soul. They are all lessons. I can hear now, why/how did my child deserve to die, (for example by drunk driver)?!?! After your child passed, did you not become the chapter head of your local "against drunk driving"?! How many people have had laws put into effect because someone they loved died? Or brought new awareness to diseases, contiotions, etc.?
There are RARELY TRUELY evil souls out there. Its hard for us on this side of the veil to see the "plan" buut there's a place for EVERYTHING under the sun, even things that we dont like that hurt our human minds, bodies. It's a testament to how evolved you are, wether you can accept this information. Cause our human minds want to be outraged, to make someone PAY. We want to have revenge, to know that person went to hell. But that's not the way it works.

Heres my best analogy:
Its like your SOUL is Tom Cruise. Every movie he makes is a different incarnation, a complete life he has lead.
So when the soul splits from the energy of the one, ie "God" Its like a young actor moving to L.A. At that time he is given 12 pieces of paper. God/the Director says give me an outline of what you want to do. So every paper starts with the zodiac signs (cause u live one in each lifetime) and then you pick out the "theme/plot" of the "movie" (for example, u want to be super rich, and u want to use that $ to help people) Then you ask a few souls to incarnate and play roles WITH you, who want to gain experience points with you, help you make a really good "movie". Then you incarnate and follow the outline. It's not an exact script, it's still free will. But say when you were planning you said you wanted to also experience eventhough you were rich and others relied on your generosity, that you wanted to be able to have other people return the favor and have to learn to be generous to you. That could mean you get in a car wreck and break your legs that heal in a years time, (or) that car crash could have made you a paraplegic.

No matter the outline, the lessons, the joys, the hardships, in the end, when we go back to the other side, we shake hands with our other key players, and move on to the planning of the next outline. BECAUSE ALL of the things that happened gained us experience points to evolve our soul.

Hitler, who was said to be one of the most vile human beings ever.... was a BRILLIANT soul. On that side he said, "I have this great idea. I'll put you thru many horrible things, trials, tribulations, and kill you faster than you would have had to live in that life, so you can get that crap outta the way?!"
And like Tom Cruise in Jerry McGuire, stands on the office desk and demands,
As souls we understood the greater cause, purpose.
And we agreed.

I dont make light of the Holocaust, I was in Germany. I was living there when the Berlin Wall fell, I saw Anne Franks house, been to the memorials and Auschwitz. I have felt the gravity of that place, and some still displaced souls...

But on that side we agreed.

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