in #psychology7 years ago



So Steemit. What expectations have you set for yourself to come from trading?

I want you to just stop and take a minute to have a think about that question. Get out your trading journal and write down your expectations and what goes through your head when you're in a position.

We're then going to consider whether they're aligned with the reality of what you can or should realistically expect as a trader. They mean nothing to anyone but you and managing expectations, may be the key to taking your trading to the next level.

Winning or Losing is not Black or White

Tell me this. Do you see taking a loss as failing? How about two losses in a row, or even more? To you, is the act of closing a trade for a loss, failure?

I'm not talking about a big loss, just any loss. A loss where the actual dollar amount doesn't even matter to you, because a loss is a loss. The fact that any particular trade is on the red side of the ledger.

Are you someone who sees the act of taking a loss as a failure?

If you answered yes to the above, then most likely you've taken a loss and immediately tried to recoup it whether the trading setup is there or not. Most likely by immediately doubling down on the same setup and trying your luck with martingale.

Maybe you got away without taking a loss once or twice. Maybe even three or four times. But mark my words, you will lose, and you will lose big.

Taking losses is part of the game and if your expectations are that you can't lose, then you're destined to fail. Having unrealistic expectations around the black and white of winners and losers will destroy not only your trading account, but your will to persist as a trader.

It's time to change your expectations.

Adjust your Mindset

In trading, you can't afford to equate losses with failure. It just doesn't work like that.

If you do equate taking a loss with failure, then you're going to keep trying to double down in the hope that you're going to be right. But from that point on, that's all it is. Hope.

But successful trading isn't about having hope. It's about having a systematic approach to exploit your pre-determined edge over and over.

Think about it this way. You don't actually know which way the market is going to move. Nobody does. So if that's the case, you're going to take losses. A lot of losses!

And that's okay. It's actually a good thing.

Expecting to lose is the first step toward managing your expectations in a way that will keep you profitable over the long term.

Don't ever expect to not take a loss. Get real.

Best of probabilities to you.

Peace 🏻.

Please leave a comment with your ideas or just share a chart.

Blogging about markets is all about sharing ideas and making us see all possible angles. I look forward to having you follow along and reading what you throw at me.

Twitter: @forexbrokr
Instagram: @forexbrokr


I'm not at the level of a trader now, I'm more at the level of a person scrambling to make the rent each month. My original training and field is accounting and my worst, most dreaded subject was finance. I like things black and white and don't like risk I do not have to suffer.

Back in the day I got slightly into stock investing and found I am an expert at losing money. If you wanted to know which stocks were going to tank - just look in my portfolio. This is why I should not be here on steemit. I have the same flip flopping stomach from back in the old days.

I have just recently figured out how to get money out of here and I do it using sbd>>>blocktrades >>>ltc>>>thb. I do not care what good news is happening in ltc, it is guaranteed to drop between the time I move money into it and the time I can get it out. It will then rebound in one hour or one day.

But the upside is the awesome chance of getting my content out to actual people and my enduring hope for the future is also keeping me here.

Glad to see you too on Twitter. I seek positive tweets to rt and my steemers do not like to cooperate! You are on my steeming twitlist, so I will see you there again :)

Hey, thanks for the great comment! I like your honesty about trading. If it’s not for you, then it’s not for you. There’s no point in forcing it.

But you don’t have to be a trader to be here as a content creator on Steemit. Don’t think of your writing and cashing out your reward payments as trading, it’s just part of your business.

Keep doing what you’re doing! 🙂

To the point! :)

Yes, high expectations always drag our primary incentive to future outcome. But our creative power lies 100% in the present moment, so any thought attachment to future outcome aka high expectation steals our power of creation in the Now. So better not expect to not fail as you said, for then we lay the focus on the Now!
And by failing we have THE chance to understand mechanisms behind things, in this way we learn to deal with an issue much better next time. Self-experimenting with failure is the road to long-term success!

Thumbs up! :)

And by failing we have THE chance to understand mechanisms behind things, in this way we learn to deal with an issue much better next time. Self-experimenting with failure is the road to long-term success!

This actually rings very true when it comes to trading.

Thank you for taking the time to write this great comment!

this is motivating me to TRADEEE !


I am a beginner and have been thinking about walking with steemit.
I believe this is a good way and I also hope to succeed thanks to the help of the master-master d steemit, this white road in my opinion towards the ladder of success.

Yes, I concur. I think.

Good post 👍

Cheerz 👍🏻

this idea is very good! And Please give the thunbs-up to my latest blog, I believe you will like it, thank you very much! !!@mfxqaq

No idea what it is.

The quality of the writing was very good to understand...
Keep it up and well done.

Hope you found some value in my writing.

I see that you have some psychology experience, nice job!

Trading psychology, at least.

So true MINDSET + EMOTIONAL DISCIPLINE so important, anyone with Knowledge can Trade but to be successful you have to have these in check too :)

Wise words, Lauren. 🙂

With the knowledge that in Trading and a case in point cryptocurrency is a very risk venture due to the uncertainties of where the values are going. With this appreciated i leave a reservation of a loss realization in case things don't go as i may have presumed Though its always good to have a good positive expectation of success in the dealership. Thanks @forexbrokr for sharing. Its such a mind challenging post.

I’m glad you took some value from it mate. Have a good one.

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