Universal laws explained Part 5 - The Law of Rhythm

in #psychology7 years ago

Have you ever watched a pendulum swing from side to side? It is in constant movement.  This might be the easiest law to explain. 


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 What is the law of Rhythm? 

"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything;  the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."- The Kybalion. 

This natural law tells us that everything in our lives, is in constant movement.  As we already know, each and every action in our lives, has an opposite reaction.  This can be easily compared to night and day, or to the high and the low tides of the ocean.  

So are the days of our lives.  Some days we have good days where everything is just perfect and then we get those days where everything just goes wrong. 

Just because something bad happened to you, it doesn't mean that you have to go sit in a corner and cry, but it is necessary for you to get rid of all the negativity. Remember negative thoughts attract negative vibrations so if you don't think positively and change the way you think, it is quite obvious that things will just continue to go wrong. Although it is very difficult to stay positive all the time, and bad things happen to all of us, it is important to replace the thoughts with reality.  

My grandmother died recently. Up to now there has not been one day that I have not cried about it. I am obviously still going through a grieving process, but the moment someone talks about her or if I see a photo of her I start crying.  

I try to avoid all of this and in my mind I am trying to find reality.  She was ninety five year's old. She had no quality of life left, and I still have all the good memories of her, but she was the one person that understood me in life, and even though it still makes me so extremely sad and I miss her terribly, my mind tells me that there is a time and a place for everything. 

This is where our thoughts come in.  Our feelings are totally influenced by our thoughts.  Because we are what we think, we can actually control how we feel at any particular moment. 

It is your choice to be happy or sad, but it is definitely something that you could control fairly easy. 

One specific thing about this Natural law of Rhythm, is that there is a time and a place for everything in life, and there is NO exceptions to this. This is even written in the bible and this shows us, that this law has been around for thousands of years.  


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What exactly does it mean that there is a time for everything?

Have you ever heard this: 


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This statement to go with the flow is something that we need to learn to live by.  Not one single one of us, know what is in store for us tomorrow. 

People stress themselves into a depression, over the stupidest little things, but let me tell you a secret. 

You can't change what happens in your life. What if you sit and worry the whole day about some silly thing and it doesn't happen? How much time have you wasted?  

Let us look at the worst scenario and something very bad actually happens to you. This is where you have to think of the law of rhythm. 

Nothing lasts forever.  We should live our lives, from moment to moment and listen to our bodies.  Stop worrying about what could go wrong, but instead focus on what is going right! 

People get sick, it is part of life, but if your health is being influenced by your worries, then it is definitely time to change your thoughts and to search for positive vibrations.  

To live life to the fullest, it is important to find a balance.  Only once you have found the balance in your life, it is then that you can be free.      

Only if you have been in the deepest valley, can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain - Richard  Nixon 


Remember negative thoughts attract negative vibrations

I agree with this, having negative thoughts will keep creating negative mindset and seriously it is bad.

My grandmother died recently. Up to now there has not been one day that I have not cried about it. I am obviously still going through a grieving process, but the moment someone talks about her or if I see a photo of her I start crying.

Accept my condolences, may her soul rest in perfect peace

that is a very good heartmoving motivational talk i read today and it means i am going to have a good day today this life is just a merry go round and it gives to every body a fair share of what it have to offer but our atitude towards what it gave us dtermine how it will affect us.

Just go with the flow!

Thank you, this was a good read for me as I can closely relate to what you're saying. I recently started getting these dizzy spells where I'd feel like I'm about to faint. After a series of tests it turned out that it is stress related. Thus 2018 will be a year for me to learn to relax, think positively and stop worrying :)

It must be stressful to have your own business, but you can only do what you have to do and the rest if up to the rest of the world. I'm glad that you took some time to join steemit, just don't let it take over your life! :) Just go with the flow bro ...lol

Great write up. Though i have been reading great post on @steemit blogs, finding your blog is a joy to me.

"To a life fullest,it is important to find a balance".
I so much love this. Thank you.

Thank you so much. I am glad that you enjoyed reading this post.

The law of Rhythm is more about the "flow". How rhythm balances and compensates. It's about how the pendulum swings equally on both sides. Trying to compensate or anticipating low times because you perceive them as sometimes is not the law of rhythm. Go with the flow, without judgement. "Be water".

Excellent explanation! Be like water...

your post @giantbear is very good and very useful for visitors and readers ... continue to work

It very true. Negative thoughts only brings evil in your mind. We shouldn't allow negativity takes a portion in our mind. Again I accept the fact that we should let our mind flow. Let go things which is not meant for us. Things that is for us will be with us forever. Free your mind and focus on your dreams. Worrying keeps you busy for nothing.

nice work, love to read it.

Really inspiring, life has ups and downs it's just how the universe works, anger, pain, sadness all of them are caused by the mind, they are kind of like a reflex action but they all are also deceptions, illusions. We just need to learn to get passed them and worry less

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