
in #psychology7 years ago

At the age of 40 talons of the eagle is too long and flexible, and he can't grab their prey. Its beak becomes too long and curved and does not allow him to eat. The feathers on the wings and the Breasts become too thick and heavy and interfere with flying. Now the eagle is faced with a choice: either death or a long and painful period of change which lasts 150 days... It flies to its nest, located on top of a mountain, and there beats long beak on a rock until the beak does not break and peel off... Then he waits until you grow a new beak, which he pulls out his claws... When new claws grow back, the eagle pulls them its too heavy feathering on the chest and wings... And then, after 5 months of pain and agony, with a new beak claws and feathers of the eagle is reborn again and could live another 30 years...

Very often, in order to live, we must change, sometimes this process is accompanied by pain, fear, doubt... We get rid of memories, habits and traditions of the past... the Only release from the burden of the past allows us to live and enjoy the present and prepare themselves for the future.


thanks for sharing, that's interesting.

You should post also the source of the photo and to arrange a little bit the text so it will look more professional together!

Good luck!

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