RE: Libertarian Morality: Psychological Profile (Study 1)
"libertarians value liberty more strongly and consistently than liberals or conservatives, at the expense of other moral concerns."
Could we exchange 'liberty' for 'separation'? Liberty has been enjoying a position as a unquestionable-good. While separation (what it truly is) has it's own divided understanding.
I used to self-identify as a libertarian. I too liked enjoyed (what I believe not to be a naive idea of mine) the notions of 'liberty'.
However, liberty is not freedom. Liberty for some, is subjugation and restriction for others.
Lest us not forget those who immortalized the phrase 'life, liberty and pursuit of economic expansion, I mean property, I mean empire cough I mean "happiness"", were only applying these 'universal truths' to a small percentage of living humans that day. If you didn't "own"(which was very recently stolen) land, didn't happen to be white, or happened to own a uterus, tough draw...
In my opinion libertarian ideals of separation and private ownership are at the core of nearly all social and environmental catastrophes today. All 3 parties mentioned are near-identical in this manner.