The Most Overlooked - and Perhaps the Most Damaging - Consequence of Vaccinations

in #psychology6 years ago


In the world I dream of, vaccinations would never be accepted. Not because of the cloudy science surrounding potential side-effects, or because of any other later consequence of the vaccination, but simply because the very notion of stabbing a child with a needle, or of intentionally exposing them to harmful viruses, is to me, quite plainly insane.

In that world, no "greater good" could be cited as justification for harming a child intentionally. However, at least for the time that I have my eyes open, I do not live in that world, and thus I recognize that many others will require far more convincing. So in this post I will share my thoughts on some lesser discussed consequences of "child safety," with the hope that it will lead some of you to think twice before allowing anyone to vaccinate your children.

The Damage

Whenever I see someone speaking out against vaccinations, it is always in regards to the danger of physical harm; but what about the psychological harm?

Imagine for a moment that you slipped in a hole in the ground and landed in another world. Little in this world was like anything you knew in the previous one. A man to your right hands you a wooden shield and pushes you out a door, locking it behind you. After turning around to see nothing but a huge forest that seems endless, what would you expect to find out there between the trees?

If not for the shield thrust upon you, the possibility of exploring the beauty of this new forest with enthusiasm would have perhaps been the natural instinct. But now, you are surely expecting that there are enemies out there, and that this is a world that is out to get you.

I ask you how different this analogy is to vaccinating a child in a world that they are still being introduced to? If anything the analogy would have been better if the shield had hit you around the head first, for needles can be painful and many vaccinations leave scars- I have one myself from my "BCG." So in this case you are teaching the child that the world they were born in is so dangerous that they need to suffer injections and scars just to protect them from it.

A child being repeatedly subjected to vaccinations is learning in the process that diseases are so common and so terrifying that they need everyone to go through potential pain and scarring to avoid them.

That child has been set at competition with the universe itself, and I think this is a very significant moment that the majority of us have suffered at one point in our lives as a consequence of modern society, and that is the death of peace. True peace is impossible when you are at odds with your environment, and so if even the world itself is dangerous and inhospitable, then even in our most quietest moments, we shall have in the back of our mind the notion of caution.

More than the loss of peace, the vaccinated child will grow up with the lesson that diseases are out to get them, and only man knows how to save them- ensuring that every time the placebo effect aides in their contraction of a disease they did not get vaccinated for, they will turn to the pharmaceutical industry for a solution.

Now consider the alternative. A child who is not vaccinated, but who does contract the measles or a similar disease. They would suffer for a week or so, and hopefully less so with the use of natural remedies to soothe the symptoms.

This child may learn the same lesson as the first- that the world is out to get them. However, they would also learn another; that they are powerful enough to survive the world. There might even be an added third, and some balance to be found, in the fact that natural plants helped with their recovery. This would show that not all the world is out to get them.

This child will not grow up afraid of disease, but confident in their understanding that they are more powerful than it. They might also remember the lesson that for everything harmful in nature there is something healing, and so they might retain the prospect of true peace, feeling at ease with their environment(though they will have to avoid many other peace-stealing facets of modern society).

Put simply, all vaccinations are injections of fear that set one up for a life of self-doubt in regards to one's ability to overcome disease naturally. Spare your children the needle, and you may just find that as they grow up conquering one disease after another, they learn to believe in the power of their own body, which will provide them with better health than any physical medicine could.

The placebo effect has shown us the power the human mind possesses over the body. The difference between a vaccinated child and an unvaccinated one, is that with the latter, the placebo effect is working for the child rather than against them, because they haven't been conditioned to believe that they're not powerful enough to fight their own battles.


This is one of the best articles I have ever seen written about this subject. And so true. It is hard and confusing enough for a child to grow up in this world without being subjected to 'a jab for your own good' or 2 or 6... I try to teach my children about trusting their own bodies and their healing powers as much as I can. And in spite of that and even though they are homeschooled, I still have two daughters who don't go with it all the way. My eldest is a firm believer of paracetamol for headaches...I never even have it in the house and will give her ideas of how to 'treat' the headache her case mostly by sleeping...(teenagers, what can I say). And it usually works. But still, she's been conditioned to believe the white pill is a cure-all. My second eldest is a bit of a hypochondriac - she's a girl, but gets the man-flu... My two boys (who've never been injected with anything) are completely different. They fully trust in mother nature and their mother ;) It's interesting to see how these 4 different children brought up in the same house can still have completely different views. And even though I've taught them one thing, they still pick up other things and are somewhat conditioned along the way by outside influences.

Well this is interesting to hear, as this post was inspired by my own thoughts on how it would effect us psychologically, rather than any sort of observation. But, this suggests I may very well be thinking along the correct lines.

I will soon be able to see the differences first hand in my own family, but it will take a few more years before the unvaccinated are at an age where we should be able to observe any clear differences.

I think you are indeed thinking along the correct lines @son-of-satire. And it wouldn't surprise me if this is something 'they' know as well. I'm convinced that it's done in other areas, like with birth for instance. For years women have been conditioned to believe horror stories. Birth is dangerous. It needs medical attention. If you think outside of that box, you're an outcast or worse: you endanger your child. As in the regular medical world: flu, get your flu shot or you could die. Measles outbreak: gosh, run to the doctor to get your booster shot. When you have a cough that persists: you better get it checked, because it might be something worse than a cold...The whole medical field shows us day in day out that it's dangerous to breathe, walk and talk. Heck, it's dangerous to live! But as long as you keep up to date with all your check-ups, appointments with GP and vaccines, you might actually survive... It's scare tactics. All of it.

I too believe a great deal of it is simply fear mongering. It's an excellent pacification strategy.

Also, I may not be disappearing after all now. But, I am through writing about the things I typically do, because the only people who read them are people who already know a lot of what I speak of anyway.

I am moving to fantasy fiction and from now on the lessons I want to share will be one step removed from reality to cater to those who are not yet ready to pay attention. If I do my job correctly, after my book they will want to.

So yes. It is likely I will be posting nothing but fiction on a different account. I will get on discord later and give you the name of the account

I'm glad to hear that. And indeed, maybe fantasy fiction could just be what some people need...

People heavily underestimate the effects of psychology when it comes to health, sickness and overall physique.

A healthy mental stage can get you much further than any kind of medicine could. But most people these days have no firm grasp on what a healthy mental state is in the first place.

I hear dying from preventable diseases is pretty traumatizing for children too.

thanks for sharing the information hoping to see more

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