Why We Forget People's Names So Easily

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

I know I'm not the only one who has a hard time greeting a colleague by their name when we see each other somewhere even when it's inside the university where we basically see each other every day. People would say it's so rude, but I say it's just a natural brain thing. Want to find out why? Then keep reading this article.

Our camera-like brain

Yes, my dear millennial, our brains are like Instagram. We all know that when we browse photos in the Explore section of Instagram, we register the visual information more--"damn she hot", "goddamn, this place is lit!", "jeez, what a life!"--not even remembering the username of those people who posted those photos until a proper stalking/obsession happens.

If you're wondering why I did not even explain right there the exact camera-like nature of our brain, well in case you haven't noticed yet, it's sort of how a camera works. It recognizes images not necessarily texts--I mean sure cameras have the file names, etc. (whatever you may want to argue), but its specialty is definitely its ability to capture a photo and have it stored.

It is also a fact that our brains have a committed processor that is responsible for our excellent facial recognition features which causes such inclination of ours to identify people through their face that also grew stronger as we evolved.

Names are so boring

Come to think of it, when we talk to a friend and share an experience we had with someone they don't know, the name of the subject doesn't really register in their mind, only the description you made that is left as an impression to them. Unlike when you tell a friend a story about an apple, they surely are going to remember everything because an apple is a fruit which they could easily associate with so many things--I mean it's not like a complicated European name that is forced to Philippine indigenous people to remember.

Also, we don't really make efforts into remembering names of people we meet who are not particularly striking. I remember the full name of my funny great grandmother who I have only met a few times my entire life, and I was so young then, but I hardly remember the name of this almost invisible girl in my university who I share at least five classes with and that of some famous Filipino hero in my textbook I know I won't really need in my life.

Names are really meaningless!

We do not pay much attention to it in a way, because it does not really say anything about the person. A Samantha might enjoy fishing, playing the piano, etc., but you'll never really know that by learning her name. It's a plain coincidence though that maybe a bunch of Craig's broke a lot of girls' hearts in high school that all Craig's are automatically perceived like that, but still, it does not really make sense to judge someone by their name--but their parents who named them maybe, sure.


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worse to call a person by a different name)

Oh true!!

I'm horrible with remembering names @thegiamarcos!. I'm better at recognising faces then people's names. I have #ADD, #ADHD, #OCD, and #dyslexia! I know that sounds like a lot but it gets bad sometimes. #SMH!

Damn that's tough! Salute to you, man

Thanks @thegiamarcos! My #OCD is bad. Things have to be done a certain way or I won't bother with it at all #CBA! Are you familiar with UK #slang at all?

Hmm, a little bit, I guess? Why's that haha

I was just asking @thegiamarcos! Do you have any #slang over in your country where you live?

I totally agree that names are kinda meaningless. The name of a person doesn't define who they are. It is just a pointer/identifier to the actual person. And we should not have any biased opinion about their given names. However, in some workplaces in Asia, where people pick professional English names for themselves, you can tell a woman who named herself Apple or a guy calls himself Baby is probably not so serious when choosing a professional name.

Hahaha oh god I actually know an Asian woman named Apple but really, a Baby for a guy? hahahaha

I realized that I honestly don't listen to what people say when I ask for their names lmao

Haha, same for me sometimes

:-)) Great article!
I can remember many facts about a person, but I will hardly remember his name )) Just couldn't understand why! ))

Well now you know :)

I think people are important and I always remember their names when I meet them. I think it's very strange that we can go into a workplace and nobody introduces themselves or knows each other's names for months! But I come from an artist networking background so maybe I'm different than "normal".

Oh yeah, I think so...

A very beautiful picture

Thank you haha Google find

I literally try to make an eye contact and look kind..so I sometimes just miss the name part. :)

It is true, it is specifically hard to remember if the name is complicated.

Haha it's a killer if it's both hard to pronounce and spell, oh god!

Hi @thegiamarcos, are you brazilian? Cheers

@forykw oh no I'm Filipino but damn I've always wanted to visit Brazil!

I always get tricked by names =)

haha, it's okay

Cool post! I always never remember names of new people I meet. Upped and resteemed!
I suddenly remember a technique to better remember names:

Imagine a face of someone who you know with the same name and connect the face to new person's name.

Thank you! Following you now.. cool posts (or resteems haha) too!

I guess that really works but I guess I a brain that autoprocesses distinction or something that I can't seem to make that technique work, and I've tried it I swear 😂 confuses me even more haha good it works for you

It works sometimes. The more common the name, the easier to remember!
I do have some original content as well! Have a look!
Resteeming content of other people is the best thing to do if you like what they do and want to help them grow! 😎

Yes, currently looking at your own articles! That's true, and thanks for having an interest in my article :) love that part about growth--the only way to go! 😎

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