Mindfulness Meditation

in #psychology8 years ago

  What is Mindfulness?

 We all want an explanation for everything described by words. Unfortunately, the ‘words’ the tool we have to communicate cannot explain what mindfulness is. One must experience it.  Only the  experience will teach.   

How can we achieve mindfulness? 

One cannot achieve mindfulness. From our small age, we have been taught and trained our mind in such a way that we feel must try hard and achieve certain things or a goals and  we believe we must try hard or to follow certain set of rules  and  procedures to be successful. For example, if we want to pass the exam we have to follow certain procedures and rules. We may have to learn certain chapters in a book or do certain exercises or study hard. Intention or ‘trying to achieve’ itself will kill the mindfulness.  So, you cannot achieve mindfulness by trying or practicing hard.   

What is the path I should I follow to experience mindfulness?

   There is no path to mindfulness. Our mind trained to look for a path. If there is no set of guidelines or path we feel that we are lost. We are looking explanation for everything. We should be able see it, understand it in advance. Also, we expect someone to explain it using a language that we can understand. When it comes to the human mind the language or ‘words’ become a very poor tool. We cannot communicate or explain a state of the mind to another person using words. 

 Once you are in mindfulness is it going to stay for ever?

 No. It goes away as soon as you talk with someone, or check emails, think about something you have solve, or even a phone call from your mum.   

One who meditate should be calm easy like a rock

Is there any meditation that can help?   

Yes. 10 to 15  minutes of breathing meditation will help. Breathing meditation will stop our thinking pattern we have been trained for a long time.  It will stop the problem solving, translations, worrying etc. Best time if early morning. Before everyone else getup. Before checking the bitcoin price. Before checking the messages in your mobile phone, email etc. which will put our mind back into problem solving pattern what we have been trained and addicted  from a long time. 

Go to a quiet place and sit comfortably. Best is outside close to the nature where you can see hear all natural things.  Keep remember trying hard, effort, expectations etc are mindfulness killers. So this should be fun to you and should be very easy and enjoyable process. Just think that you doing this for fun. Seriousness too will kill mindfulness. Just watch you mind like watching a movie. Do not try to control or change thoughts. When you watching a movie  you do not take part in characters.     Watch how thoughts comes every few seconds. See how some of theme are translated a word of the language you have been taught. This is important because you are watching the  human mind which created the Bitcoin, the mobile phone, internet what we all enjoy today. Also the  human mind which created fantastic songs, music, and arts.  The human mind had expanded so much.

Also watch how thoughts build up on a subject you think. For example, if you think about a place or someone, increasingly thoughts get pumped every few seconds with the same subject to build up the same subject bigger and bigger. Also, see there is no such a thing called time to human mind. It is always moment to moment. It is always now, now, and now. Time is just a perception. To human mind there is no yesterday or tomorrow. I am just now.   

Do meditation and watching as often as you can. Mindfulness comes uninvited. (Expectation for it to happen too can make our mind work in opposite pattern) In mindfulness, you will see things very clear and it is a state you feel so free. Free from everything. It is so much comfortable where words do not play any role.    You will find relay who you are and how unique you are.

Your some one unique.

These photos were taken from my cheap digital camera in Sri Lanka.

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