in #psyops6 years ago (edited)

The following is an excerpt from a letter to Cassidy Stay, the actress that played the part of a sole survivor in a mass shooting. Casidy Stay's survival story was miraculous, according to the scripted Media. In this letter, the author calls herself MADONNA. It's interesting in that the Media's veneration of Martyrs is not unlike that of the Catholic view on "sacrificial lambs" and such:

"I screamed and cried tears that felt like blood.
And here is the thing that saved me. LOVE. The love of my children and my parents that is still in my heart.
And the LOVE of friends and doctors and perfect strangers.
The love in the world that has cradled me and soothed me and cared for me.
And accepting the LOVE all around me has helped my forever broken heart.
So even though I said I didn't want to give you advice...I will say just this one thing.
Try to let the love all around you in...and little by little you will feel a tiny bit better.
And that's all there is. LOVE.I love you.

(source: )

Compare it to this statement in a BELIEVER in another Cult which venerates Matryrs:

"It does not matter is this statue is real or a hoax, or if it appears or not. Our Lady has been clear from the start! Our job is to pray for the conversion of hearts."

BELIEF is the key word here....and Cassidy Stay has also resurfaced as DELANEY TARR in another fake massacre presented by the Media as real.


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