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RE: Can you solve this puzzle? Small amount of SBD for answer

in #puzzle7 years ago (edited)

After wasting too many hours of my life, I think that I have the correct answer. The first word that I found was "waterfall". I saw the 'wat' and the only word that I knew that began with 'wat' was water. The second word I got was "dragonfly". I saw 'fly' and knew that it had to be a word that ended in 'fly'. I slowly went through them all. (housefly, mayfly, ruffly, butterfly, dragonfly, horsefly) I then went through them and dragonfly was the only 9 letter word that worked. I also got the word "head" pretty quickly after seeing 'hea' and making the connection to 'head'.

  • wat + erf + all = waterfall
  • dra + gon + fly = dragonfly
  • hea + dli + ght = headlight

I got stuck for along time when I made the word "permanent". Which I later realized that even though it worked, it wasn't part of the answer.

per + man + ent = permanent

After realzing that, I managed to solver several more words:

  • fis + her + man = fisherman
  • dif + fer + ent = different
  • new + spa + per = newspaper

I only had 4 words left, but they were some of the hardest:

  • ove + rbo + ard = overboard
  • con + duc + tor = conductor
  • hai + rbr + ush = hairbrush
  • ban + dst + and = bandstand

One thing that stumped me was that I didn't realize bandstand was a word, and I also mistakenly thought that hairbrush was two words or had a hyphen. It was a fun puzzle, but it took several hours and I used a ton of paper. The last word I solved was "conductor" and it was a relief. I used a lot of trial & error, but some words also popped out at me. I also made lots of connections like

rbr + ush = r brush
dst + and = d stand
spa + per + s paper
fis + her = fisher


Well done, I'm glad you found it fun even after all that. Bet it felt good completing it, sorry about permanent being in there bet that was annoying. I'll send a bonus prize for the motivation.

Thanks for the bonus, it was fun solving the riddle.

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