Why this 4th of July was truly remarkable.

in #qanon6 years ago

For anyone that knows me, they know I am not a sentimental person at all, nor am I am emotional person. This fourth was one of reflection and appreciation. If you have e the patience to read this, I'd like to share what I am appreciative for on this fourth of July.

1st) I am appreciative of our founding fathers for risking everything to give us this country. Try to imagine how nerve racking our current environment is and having to feel under attack for saying what we know is right in our hearts, and magnify that by a 1000. That is what our founding fathers went through. They also gave us a document that has stood the test of time, and has led our country through multiple attacks. The wisdom to create this document was something not seen since the authors wrote their books in the Bible.
2nd) I am appreciative of Donald Trump and his administration. Trump who didn't have to risk everything to put this target on his back, couldn't let our country continue down the path it was going. So he stepped up and has been kicking deep state ass ever since. I am appreciative to all the military leaders who saw the path the deep state were trying to take us, and decided to fight back this way instead of a bloody military takeover. I am thankful to the Qanons. Without their crumbs and anon bakers, who knows where the movement would be right now.

3rd) I am appreciative for the Qanon and patriot community. Being a social worker who is married to a liberal and surrounded by so called SJW's all day, there are times I find it difficult to realize that I have not completely lost my mind by supporting Trump. I constantly get into debates with people at work and at he over whatever the MSM 4am talking points are for that day. You guys give me one of the few places I can go that is filled with like minded individuals who can reassure me that I am on the right path. In case this community is not aware, you guys are the grounding weight for many of us Patriots. There are days I worry the stench of my liberal swamp will over take my desire to remain true to my values and beliefs. On those days I come here and am reminded that I am a patriot working with many other Patriots to ensure that our country's laws, morals, and values are discarded.

4th) I am grateful that I am alive during this time. I am a witness to how close our country has come to being taken over. I am a witness to true otherworldly evil and how it uses our own sense of empathy and compassion to twist us into doing things without fore-thought and logical thinking. The evil that causes decent Americans to hand over the keys to our country because they were manipulated. I am witness to how fragile our freedoms are, and how if we are not continuously vigilant then we risk falling prey to another evil cabal.
Most of all I am grateful that God has instilled me the conviction to stand up against this evil in spite of all the pressure to fall in line. Typically, I am a people pleaser. But I have a strong enough conviction to my sense of decency, morals, and values that I have held true to them through out this entire period. I was called racist, homophobic, masogonystic, and a Xenophobe for supporting Trump. I have had my job threatened, was kicked out of the NASW for supporting Trump, was threatened to be kicked out of the social work program at my University for disagreeing with the white male hate rhetoric, and have even been threatened by angry black people on multiple occasions for my MAGA bumper sticker. Through all the public shaming, threatening, and demoralizing rhetoric, I have held fast in what I know in my heart is right and true. I am on the right side of this story and will be able to finally be vindicated.

So as I sat with my family enjoying the fireworks, I felt a tremendous sense of grattitude. I was even seeing Q shaped fireworks. Probably all in my head but it impacted me none the less. I thought about all this, and for the first time in my life I understood why there is so much of an emphasis put on this day. It is because our country was founded on the defeat of an evil empire. Now our country is being saved once again from the clutches of another evil empire.
Thank you God for your grace and mercy.
Thank you Donald Trump and administration for saving us.
Thank you Qanon for allowing me to be a part of the process.
Thank you Great Awakening board for being my anchor

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