#Q: The REAL 'PSYOP' Exposed.

in #qanon7 years ago

by SGT, SGT Report.com:

There is a growing chorus of critics in social media who claim that the entire #Q phenomenon is either a psyop or a LARP (Live Actor Role Play). The critics allege that anyone who is sharing news from Q is either a naive fool who has been duped, or worse - a disinfo agent. Many of these critics also say that President Trump is nothing more than a puppet of the Rothschild globalist agenda, a willing pawn just playing his part. Let's take a closer look at these charges - and at the reality of our situation.

Join in on the Q conversation & research

Thank YOU all for tuning in, and for UP-VOTING & RE-STEEMING.

LUKE 8:17
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.


Awesome Video, you are right on on what we know about Trump so far. Please keep going with your excellent videos!

posted in q! q=question
webot prediction of people question all...
"do it q" just equals "question all"
thats how i understand this...
its a nlp force to destroy old scripts of slave minds by all people.
picture with whitehousepeople says to YOU (the one who looks at picture) question all.

Didnt listened to content just made my own thought about this.


The critics are correct and I am one of them.In case you didn't already know Defango admitted the he was recruited by the founders of ciccada 3301to make up some of the questions asked by q. So yes it is a LARP. As for Trump...anybody who thought a billionaire was going to go against the rst of the billionaires must be out of their minds. He was never and will never be "one of us"! He has not stood by any of his campaign promises. Ron Paul was not better. He talked a good game but what did he do. He got a hole lot of folks to come out of the wood work so the cia could get their photos for face recognition software. I met Ron Paul, and tried to talk to him. But he wasn't interested in talking to us because he was more interested in selling the books. Shook our hands and blew us off to go speak with a book purchasing customer.

Further more. I tell the truth on my broadcast. The real truth. With facts to back it up. I don't speak to my audience in riddles.
And anonymous sources are always bullshit. I been doing this for 10 years and not one annon was for real. They are controlled opposition or infiltrators. That's the truth. If you can handle it. Nothing will be done to these people unless we do it ourselves like the founders of this country set it up for us to do.We have failed by not enforcing our bill of rights. That is why they want our guns. They can't get their nwo until they get us unarmed because they cannot win against us. We out number them 300 to 1.

Ron Paul, CIA shill? Come on, you can do better than that!

I didn't say he was a cia shill did I? No sir. Don't put words in my mouth like that.
What I said was he got a lot of people that were pissed off about how things were going to come out of the wood work. And then he just quit....twice. After collecting a shit ton of money and selling books.He was part of the game like all the rest.

Ah, well that was a bit clearer. Sorry for putting anything in your mouth, lol. I was pretty pissed off when he quit like that, too. But now we have 3 of those guys in the congress, soo ... Maybe something worked.


if you're into bible verses, i've read a few too:

"By their fruits ye shall know them" - Jesus(attributed to)

Q has come up empty handed on the entire democratic party investigation thread. He has thrown a lot of attention all over the entire world of shadowy bullshit though.

I find it pedantic, and whatever else you say about him Q believes in Trump and I do not believe in Trump so he's kindof like a fish being dangled for Trump believers.

Trump has always been a horrible dbag, the worst of america, why would anyone think now that he has nearly unlimited power, and is aging after a life of decadence and obesity, having to play golf as the only exercise he knows and sport at which he won't completely humiliate himself, and owing untold fortunes to mobsters all over the world whose aid he required to build a bunch of gaudy, 20% gold plating covered real estate on beachfront property that will soon flood for hundreds of years.

Yes, this guy, now he's going to be a patriot and mastermind '4d chess' lol that's absurd.

Every single complex and intricate arrangement the united states has set up for peace and stability in the last 50 years has been shredded in one year by a bunch of ahistorical MBA's who think putin and netanyahu are great chums who mean us no harm.

Trump, and the clintons are shite, but it is the people who prop up that system with their bribery and refusal to criticize, that are responsible for all of this, namely the plutocracy and military juntu who side by side refuse to relinquish control of the political economy of this country.

They also refuse to relinquish their beloved image of america where all of the classes work happily side by side and all of the wealthy people deserve their money because they are just hard workers who know the value of a dollar.

If ever there was a stack of bullshit about to fall over it is america 2018, no wonder the word shithole is on everyone's mouth.

Aye agreed :)

"By their fruits ye shall know them"


Trump is just another player, have none hope for him he showed already what he is.
Q waste of time...

Only hope i have that Sean sees it soon :(

Sean, I really hope that this whole Q thing is real. I don't think you are a shill. People throw the term shill around willy-nilly, I refuse to do that. I want to see justice fulfilled here on earth. I for one am thankful you are reporting of this. It's a fascinating story, I've been following it for months, I truly hope that comes to fruition. I'm just not willing to put faith into this Q thing. Thank you for your work. Please keep it up.

Hope springs, Sean. I surely can't fault you or anyone for hoping that we're gonna get someone who is for real and is looking out for us to get into one of those positions where they'll actually help us by simply doing the right thing. But my life's experience has shown me that hope can be one of our most flawed, irrational, and dangerous emotions that we have and one we really need to understand so we can effectively deal with it.
Once upon a time I had some serious issues with drugs, alcohol, women and money, and it ended up with my serving a couple of prison sentences until the help I so desperately needed finally presented itself and gave me the opportunity to straighten up my life.
What I came across during my time in prison showed me just how extreme and extremely powerful hope can be.
On more than one occasion, I actually sat down, broke bread and conversed with men who were either never getting out, not getting out for another 30, 40, or even 50 more years, or they were in prison behind one of those travesties of the court systems we hear about far too often where the person is either innocent, or was sent to prison for far too long in relation to their 'crime'. (Like what happened with my good friend Roger Marsh who's serving an 85 year sentence for a first degree assault where nobody died, and the person he shot, he shot in self defense! And the state violated his right in a very big way!
But that's a whole nother book.
What I'm getting at is what I saw. The one thing that kept these men going: The most irrational emotion called HOPE.
In spite of what their fate was telling them on a daily basis, they still had it. In spite of what the paperwork said from the court they went to that put them where they are, they still had hope.
In spite of all the rules, all the walls and all the bars, day in, day out, over and over and over, they still had hope.
And sitting there, watching them laugh, watching them play cards or bones or monopoly or whatever hobby they might have taken up, eeking out some semblance of whatever kind of life they could from inside the walls of a medium security prison in the state of Colorado showed me just how extremely powerful hope is. But at the same time, given the situation and circumstance, just how thoroughly irrational it is.
I mean imagine being there. Watching all of this. Then realizing what it would take to keep a man going in spite of all he has in front of him.
So yeah, hope is a big deal brother, and totally understandable under most circumstances. But under the most extreme of circumstances my brother, it can make us say and do things that we normally wouldn't say or do, and if our message goes out to a lot of people, and if a lot of people are looking to us for guidance, purpose and/or reason and we allow hope to over-ride our sensibilities, we're doing a disservice to everyone involved. Especially ourselves.
So, much love from the Mile High Sean. You are a bad-ass bro. Never doubt that.

I have not followed Q closely, it smells funny to me though. That said, your points about Trump are very much on point. Resteemed and upvoted, and even shared on (eww...) facebook ;)