Modern Racism

in #racism8 years ago (edited)

How does modern day racism manifest its self?

In all honesty the ways are too many ways to count.
Maybe its the clerk at the grocery store that watches to make sure you, a black person, put ever item on the counter at check out, but didn't check the white person before or after you.

What really captured my attention today was how people rationalize this as "not racist" behavior. The best way I can explain this is through a conversation I had with my mother the other day that went something like this:

Mother: "You know what wrong with you and your generation? Public school. They kept you from seeing how N****** truly are."

Response "Maybe it was your education that kept you from seeing a person as a person and not a demonized race and culture. Why do you even have friends outside of your race if you really feel this way mom?"

Mother: "Well we all know there is an exception to every rule."

And there it was. That sentiment sickened me to the core. This is what my family and many other fellow Americans have been using to rationalize the hypocrisy within their racism. This how they justify to themselves having friends of other cultures and explain to themselves why people of color can do well in life. The reality is they just can't admit to themselves that every race and culture has good and bad people. They just cant admit that maybe its not race that dictates the good and bad eggs, maybe there are just good and bad people regardless of race, gender, or culture.

I've also heard many white people lately say things like "where else in the world would a black person have these opportunities?" like we are gracing them with the ability to hold jobs and have careers like they don't deserve it. All Americans are suppose to be equal, but that statement only further acknowledges they are not equal in your eyes.

Stop deluding yourselves with these rationalizations for your racist behaviors.
Try treating people like people. heal together, grow together, learn about each other.
Read Maniac Magee if you have anymore trouble with this concept.


I am not from USA, but I can't believe anyone could be that stupid (and even rude) to ask the type of questions that appears in the comic strips, or to make such blatant differences between black and white people. It's too caricaturesque. I know and meet many people from USA who can be, indeed, extremely ignorant. But what appears in the image is an exageration. It's my opinion, maybe you have seen otherwise.

Its very racist in the US. You should first experience it yourself before you comment.