in #racism4 years ago



Inside our farm of unity
Germinated weeds of hatred
Within our tranqulized lands
And on our bright black skins
Fell dewdrops of mockery.

We were deceived by the_
Fake smile shone by their sun
We thought their hearts will_
Be as white as their skins are
But no! Its filled with hatred.

We were lured by their skins
We showed them humanity
Yet, they repaid us with cruelty
Our beaming colors was dimmed
With disgusting colors of racism.

Our skins turned signs of woe
Our lands turned altar of mockery
We sank deeply in sea of shame
And our colors are painted jokes
For we are seen as useless beings.

We're Africans, made from black
Who get notifications of mockery
Our cultures are tagged as jokes
We traveled to the land of whites
Searching for a brightest future.

We became totems of shames
For the White's tied us with blames
Now, we're beacons without light
And dark nights without moon
For we were imprisoned in racism.

We're Africans, made from black
With intelligence and sagacity
We are the cloud that fall success_
On the profaned land of whites
Yet, they call us stinking monkeys.

©Blossom pen
The striving poet.

Inspired by :- Jamal


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