The Homeless Crisis in Canada ....

in #real7 years ago (edited)

The CBC continues to broadcast nothing of relevance along with the corporate media ... Then there is the youtube joke ...called the Rebel .... They report on nothing real only sensationalism ...
So lets cover a few unreported facts ...

90% of the land mass of Canada is held as Crown land here in BC its 95% leaving 5% for the people, of the 5% here that includes agricultural and industry, so its more like less than 1% of the landmass of Canada is available for the population to use as living area. As the housing crisis continues. And land values rise beyond a lifetime of labour to pay for a postage stamp size piece of land ...with more regulations bylaws and taxes than you can even keep track of, it boggles the mind why prices for land are so ridiculous ...

Canada is huge ........
Covering 9,984,670 km2 or 3,855,100 sq mi (land: 9,093,507 km2 or 3,511,023 sq mi; freshwater: 891,163 km2 or 344,080 sq mi), Canada is slightly less than three-fifths as large as Russia and slightly smaller than Europe. In total area, Canada is slightly larger than both the U.S. and China; however, Canada ranks fourth in land area .

And we cannot provide any land or a place for the homeless ....
At least 200,000 Canadians experience homelessness in any given year.
At least 150,000 Canadians a year use a homeless shelter at some point.
At least 30,000 Canadians are homeless on any given night.
At least 50,000 Canadians are part of the "hidden homeless" on any given night — staying with friends or relatives on a temporary basis as they have nowhere else to go.

There is no land or resource shortage for people to live on and build homes from...
Just Bank greed backed by government support. And enforced by the police...
This is beyond ones comprehension that a small piece of Canada cannot be used for our homeless and less fortunate ...
Criminal is the only word that comes to mind .....


I agree with you! My heart breaks every time I see all those drugged and drunk homeless people around in Montreal. summer and winter. I wonder why we have all this homelessness when the land is so big and there are many people who are filthy rich but don't care to help.
Indeed, Greedy Criminals are the words that come to mind!

You said a mouthful there brother. Hundreds of things are running through my mind now and I feel a blog or 100 coming on to follow this up!
Panama has no income tax or property tax to speak of, yet if a disadvantaged person can find a piece of land the Government will build them a free house on it ( free & clear to do as they wish with ). And it's called a third world country & Canada is a first world country! What a joke.
I'm also reminded of the Sombrio beach squatters, most notably a family of 8, but many others that were kicked off the land after over a decade there to make a provincial park. Many did not live long after the transition to the city.
How dare they live so free and independant of the system and pay no land taxes!
Thanks for posting

Thanks for reading and I look forward to seeing you thoughts on the topic ...The media disgusts me on there reporting on this topic ... after seeing a report on the cbc about the homeless mostly about the police chasing them off or arresting them ..I thought a little perspective was in order ...

"Just Bank greed backed by government support. And enforced by the police."

they have a word for this.


Here in the United States there are about ten times as many empty houses as homeless people.

nice .... if any of the politicians had a shred of decency ... you would think they might be able to find a solution with these two little bits of info ...

A lot of them do, here is a list:

Vladimir Lennin
Fidel Castro
Mao Zedong

Even Joseph Stalin

lmao .... and there is a lot of truth to that ......

Resteemed. Having just been evicted with my family out of our rental because the landlord of the day wants to move his kids in (so he says) I've never felt the Canadian housing crisis as acutely as now. I'm "lucky" as I have a steady income, but after being in a sublet for a month and now abroad to visit family and also literally come down from 18 months of intense stress around a) living space and b) childcare for my two very young children, I have of yet been unable to secure a home for when we come back. Around where we lived in Vancouver there are plenty of houses, recently sold, just sitting empty and gathering "value" for greedy people. I'm disgusted. And afraid. I can barely imagine how impossible it is for people worse off than we are. They are victims, not criminals.

so true ... I rent my house out and just live on my boat lol cant afford to live in my house unless I want to spend every penny I have to do it ..but old and single so dont need a house or want the work and the kids are all grown up ..... ....

Straight from a Canadian himself whos living in the midst of a total downtown reconstruction, the homeless issue is one of the biggest that needs to be addressed... Everything seems to progress and move with the times, but the simple issue of the homelessness and the amount of people that need assistance is alarming. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just a fella or lady needing a bed and a few hot meals... a lot of these 'centers' are becoming hubs for local drug dealers to frequent and make an easy buck, and its all truth too. Article in our local news paper stating the amount of drug related deaths has doubled...... doubled!!! man thats a scary thought!...
Cheers mate

worked in our local homeless shelter for a while here on the island ... its nuts .... the stories I could tell...

You know first hand then exactly what happens in those houses... but see the worst part is what do you do...? most of the people in there, or at least a large portion of them actually need to be helped in a proper way, they not capable of doing life by themselves... its the scumbags that ruin it for the rest ...
One day there will be some sort of proper care for the ones that truly need it

a huge portion have mental drug and physical issues ...Most are unemployable ...and the easiest money is drugs and theft .. as a single person with no residence get something like 300 bucks a month to live on ... and they sleep 6 plus to a room ... the smell in the morning is something special .. a buddy works in the vic shelter ... got stuck with a needle in a pillow case a couple months back .. he was panicked for the month .. all tests came back clear ... one of the girls i work with here .. works in an aids help center up island .. has to pull out the narcan kit many times a week .. now she has stories ...

omg... hangs head in disgust
One day things will be different... gotta have faith!

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