in #recipe7 years ago (edited)

Greetings my fellow culinary inquisitives!
Here is yet another installment in what will become a series of easily prepared, affordable, healthy conscious and
DELICIOUS home cooked meals.


We're going to learn how to make GNOCCHI today. It's is a super simple recipe which you can make a ton of and freeze for later enjoyment. This recipe will make 4-6 servings, but you can double or even triple up the recipe in case you want to cram up your freezer in the event of an apocalypse.

There's a bit of an "easter egg" during the preparation of this meal for an easy, cool snack which will be in the directions below, so keep reading!


  • 2 pounds of potatoes (Not 1 potato, 2 potato, 3 potato... 4 large potatoes)

  • 4 cups of flour (Remember the infamous scene from Scarface? A bit less then that)

  • 1 large egg (Not quite ostrich large...)

  • 1 teaspoon of salt (Insert funny quip about salt here)

  • 1/2 cup of butter (You'll notice the title of the recipe does not include margarine)

  • 4 clove of garlic (Vampires be warned)

  • 1 teaspoon of dried sage (Also helps with the spiritual cleansing of evil spirits)

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. While the oven is doing its thing getting up to temp, rub some oil and salt all over your potatoes and wrap in some tinfoil. This might be obvious to most of you, but follow those steps in order... Bake for about 45 minutes (a bit longer isn't going to hurt). While this is finishing up, add the salt to the flour and mix. Lightly flour a surface area.


Once the potatoes are done, cut them in half. Use a spoon to get as much potato guts out of the halves as possible without tearing through the skin. You're essentially making little bowls out of your potato halves which you can make potato skins with! Freeze the potato halves to make later and when you're ready, just fill'em with bacon, green onion, cheese and bake until cheese is melted. Serve with sour cream.

Now that you have all the potato guts out, add your egg (minus the shell) to your potatoes. Once your egg is well mixed in, begin adding the flour. What you're really looking for is the point just before the dough turns crumbly. Once your flour is mixed in, tear off a lemon sized chunk of dough and use your hands to roll it into a tube roughly 3/4 of an inch in diameter. Cut it into pieces the width of a fork.
Here's a short video showing you how to shape the gnocchi.

You've just made gnocchi from scratch you pro! Gnocchi goes with all types of sauces, there's isn't anything it doesn't go well with really. To keep things short, we'll just do a simple garlic sage butter sauce.

In a skillet, melt the butter and add the minced garlic. Cook until just the garlic softens, just before it starts to brown. throw in your sage and salt, cook for a minute or two and add to your gnocchi. Sprinkle a bit of pepper, Parmesan and PRESTO EUREKA BINGO!! You've just made a delicious healthy meal you can impress your friends and family with.

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click here for another awesome recipe!

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Definitely go and check them out.
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You're a pro with this posting stuff. I'm a duffus so I can tell! Anyway you'll do good here on Steemit. You have lots to say and are trying many things out. You'll hit pay dirt just be persistent.

Thanks @mistermercury!

I'm having a blast and am definitely trying different things out within my own wheelhouse. Also looking forward to that pay dirt moment :D

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