
When the last battles between the Alliance and the Illuminati (Deep State or Cabal) are done we need to shift our full focus on the Reconstruction of Earth Prime. Our governing system needs to be overhauled to bring about representation according our individual sovereignty. Our economic system needs to change from Social Darwin capitalism to communal capitalism. Our legal system needs to go from punishment to crime prevention and rehabilitation. Our healthcare needs to change over from allopathic medicine to universal healthcare based on drug-free medicine.

The proverbial one percent of Earth Prime’s population who controls ninety-nine percent of her wealth needs to be removed from power. Their greedy psychotic rule is an affront to a civil society. We need to undergo healing to come out of the vicious life cycle we were forced to endure by this parasitic elite. Gaia, in the form of our ecology, needs to heal by cleaning up the environment. There are much better technologies for non-polluting energy, for recycling, and for fresh water (no more toxic fluoridation).

The Alliance includes groups such as the Agarthans, the Galactics (human ETs and non-humans), and various positive militaries on Earth Prime. Technology for a better more civilized life already exists. It can be introduced in less than a year. The social shock will be enormous when people realize they have been living like second class citizens. There are abundant resources for over six billion humans to live as first class citizens anywhere on Earth. No more hoarding our planet’s wealth and resources.

Some of the most profound changes will be the realization that the humans of Earth Prime are not the only intelligent life in the Universe. The Illuminati knew this, but they kept it a secret. People did not know there were both positive and negative races in contact with certain groups on Earth Prime. The Illuminati had dealings with some of these negative races in order to maintain control of humanity. People did not know how well the positive races lived and was willing to share their technology and more. The cultural shock of off-world humans and strange looking extraterrestrials interacting with us on a daily basis will be enormous. Changes have already begun behind the scenes. Eventually preparations will commence out in the open.


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