AA, NA and the world of 'recovery' - just another dangerous HaLf-TrUtH.

in #recovery6 years ago

I don’t have to quote any statistics. I don’t have to explain to you that our friends, neighbors and family members are suffering, sitting in jail or dying because of a drug or a drink. At this point, almost everyone in America has had their lives affected in some way by the ‘misuse and abuse’ of ‘narcotics’.

The drug we hear about most? Opioids.

Why? Because they kill…instantly. Because they killed 72,000 people in 2017. Because of the intense, physical withdrawal the drug creates in our body.

 Does that mean I shouldn’t bother mentioning cigarettes?  The slow killer of our bank accounts, our breathing and our health?  (Also, quite paradoxically, the go-to ‘escape’ for the AA and NA ‘newcomer’.)

Alcohol and Slot Machines must be harmless, right? Considering these things are offered in almost every store possible nowadays, one would think the negative effects of alcohol and gambling are comparable to the likes of a simple, caffeine headache.

Have we accepted alcoholism as an unbeatable force in this country? Do we know why the NFL and NCAA are ‘top dogs’ in the world of sports?

What about soda? Do we really know how bad this stuff is for us? Meat? Dairy? Do we ever really comprehend the slaughtering of animals and how it affects our collective spirituality? How it affects Mother Earth?

Point is, if I’m going to talk about drugs and living a healthier lifestyle to a large group of people, I’m not going to ‘leave out’ certain detrimental substances simply because we’ve ‘come to terms’ with them.  There’s an abundance of different chemicals and toxins available to us on a daily basis that could make the case for a thousand different ‘anonymous’ groups.

When you separate ‘alcoholics’ from ‘narcotic users’, you’re literally taking the focus off the individual and placing it onto the specific components of a completely innocent substance.

Promoting fear is never the answer. We shouldn’t be placing a drug or a drink on a shelf above us, as if its sitting atop a throne watching and waiting for us to slip up. We should be empowering ourselves to rise above ALL material objects, as masters of our temple and students of our growth.

You explored the realm of chemicals and found yourself to be uneducated and unprepared to handle the new lifestyle that came along with it. Yeah? So, what? Get up off your ass, wipe the dust-off (pun intended), humble yourself to nature and walk tall.

 So, to be clear, as I speak today on the problems we are facing with drug abuse and death from overdose, I’m going to address the fundamental issues that are causing us to ‘reach for the drink’, ‘go out for the smoke’ or ‘hit up the bathroom for a bump’.  

There’s really no reason to even mention the specific drugs we are abusing. The drugs are not the enemy. Most of them are here, on Earth, for a reason. Most of them have the ability to affect us in ways that produce euphoria, foster self-confidence, manifest new thought and heighten experience.

I feel safe saying that a lot of NA and AA attendees probably struggle with the idea of ‘the drug being the enemy’, especially after having so many incredible, personal and meaningful experiences with their DOC (drug of choice).
I don’t think it's fair or progressive to point the finger and blame an external, material object for an internal, spiritual problem.

Why aren’t we happy and fulfilled?

 A half-truth is defined by Google as:  a statement that conveys only part of the truth, especially one used deliberately in order to deceive someone.

This is very important to understand if you are seeking a new perspective on life (if you are seeking a way ‘out of the matrix’).

The ‘half-truth’ is the most commonly used tactic against the unification and progression of humanity. It is used by the ‘deceivers’; the ones that have power and control over our independence and sovereignty (and have all intentions of keeping it).

It’s designed to cause confusion, divide the majority and create animosity amongst us. As long as we are always pointing the finger everywhere else, we’ll always be unsure what to believe when it comes to the many ‘conspiracies’ and skepticism's surrounding these crafty ‘deceivers of men’.

Religion is the easiest (and most vile) example of how a half-truth works.  For a long while (a looooong while), it was ‘blasphemous’ to speak against the church.  

“No, no, no!!! They’re doing a lot of good in the world, mister! And, we’re talking about God, here. So, you’re just going to have to shut your mouth, sit down in your chair (get on your knees, even) and take whatever they say as truth.”
Yeah, okay. When I was fucking 8-years-old, this certainly seemed like a viable situation to put faith into. Even though their outfits and rituals creeped me out a bit, I sat and tried my best to understand this mysterious, worldwide phenomenon of God, Jesus and The Holy Bible.

It didn’t take long for me to slam the book shut and question why it had to be so fucking cryptic. “Just fucking say what you have to say,” I’d think in frustration, automatically creating excuses for their odd behavior in my head and justifying their delivery of the message...because, somewhere deep inside of me...I knew a lot of what they were saying about God was true.

That’s the half-truth at work. That’s the power of the truth. When we hear it, we know we’ve heard it. It lines right up with our intuition and our true self deep down within. It feels so right in fact - to hear the truth spoken from a person we’ve trusted as a ‘teacher’ or a mentor - that we naturally begin to accept everything else they’ve said to us.

Full on deception.

They’ve literally taken this amazingly wonderful idea - A slow-developing relationship with God connected directly to our intuition and manifested ungrudgingly in our mind through the experiences and lessons we learn along the way - and replaced this idea (God’s plan for us!) with the false claim that ‘the only way to ‘find God’ is through the church’.
They stepped in His place, spoke a few of His truths in order to ‘reel us in’ and replaced Him with their own agenda-driven directives and ‘suggestions’.

On top of it all (it goes way deeper when you realize the many half-truths (and metaphoric fables) we’ve been led to believe), they labeled us ‘unworthy’ to ask any questions and way too ‘unclean’ to come face to face with God.
Now that’s blasphemy.

If, then, you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend God. For like is known by like. Leap clear of all that is corporeal and make yourself to a like expanse with that greatness which is beyond all measure. Rise above all time, and become eternal, then you will apprehend God.

Think that for you too, nothing is impossible. Deem that you too are immortal, and that you are able to grasp all things in your thought; to know every craft and every science. Find your home in the haunts of every living creature. Make yourself higher than all heights and lower than all depth. Bring together in yourself all opposites of quality; heat and cold, dryness and fluidity. Think that you are everywhere at once; on land, at sea, in heaven. Think that you are not yet begotten, that you are in the womb, that you are young, that you are old, that you have died, that you are in the world beyond the grave. Grasp in your thought all this at once, all times and places, all substances and qualities and magnitudes together, then you can apprehend God.

But if you shut off your soul and your body and abase yourself and say, “I know nothing. I can do nothing. I am afraid of Earth and sea. I cannot mount to heaven. I know not what i was, or what i shall be...then what have you to do with God?

 The overall idea of a group of people preaching peace, love and God to the masses is pretty solid.  We can all agree on that without a second thought (when we’re children who don’t yet understand what ‘true evil’ is and how it works.)  

At some point, we all have to realize evil exists, and that evil always tries to cover up its darkness with a hint of light.
Same goes for ‘recovery’. Some devout NA and AA members will probably feel some type of way as they read this essay. Of course! I’m coming at something that does wonderful things for people. I’m blasting away at a program that literally saves lives and brings families back together.

I get the same type of negative response when I blast away at the church or the government.
But, it’s the same theme for me…always. It falls right in line with my viewpoints on America and society as a whole. Just because it’s good, doesn’t mean we’re not allowed to expect better.

For example - and here is where we cross over and can potentially link the ‘deceivers’ to the ‘current recovery program’ we have in place – when’s the last time anyone in any anonymous group has mentioned the effect that psychedelics have on addiction?  

Are we still too close-minded to consider this a possibility? That…a drug...can help you get off...drugs? Especially a drug labeled by our government as ‘Class 1 Illegal’, which apparently means:

  1. The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse. FALSE
  2. The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. FALSE
  3. There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision. FALSE!

This is common knowledge in the thinking world at this point. LSD, psilocybin, ayahuasca and other psychedelics are being used to treat many different psychological and mental illnesses across the globe.

They’re working. People are travelling to the Amazon and working with Shamans to use ayahuasca and experience the profound, introspective journey themselves.

The Shamans don’t say, “2 out of 3 of these mushrooms will make you relapse,” like they do in recovery (‘2 out of 3 of the people in this room will relapse’.)

The shamans let the Earth’s medicine teach.

Meanwhile - using fear, shame and guilt - the ‘program’ has revealed with this ‘2 of 3’ statement that it’s non-working model has them hanging on to their relevance by a thread. Why even say that?

The shaman’s stir boiling pots of tree bark and use sound frequencies to literally pierce your soul with love and healing.
The AA guys go on smoke break for 15 minutes during a 60-minute meeting.

 Are we progressing?

Psychedelics are a vehicle that can drive you deep inside on a journey within.  If we are, in fact, using drugs to fill in a ‘missing piece’ to our soul, psychedelics will allow us to come face to face with that ‘hole’.

They can show you your inadequacies, exemplify your strengths and tease you with a glimpse of the infinite that resides in your mind.

You can see your problem(s) for exactly what they are. You can come face to face with them. You can sit with them for hours, sometimes uncomfortably. And, in the end, you can move on from them.

But, why?  Why throw us in a cage for trying to expand our thinking and find ourselves?  Why not allow research on these highly misunderstood substances?  (Substances that ancient civilizations have carved images of in stone walls to help us understand the importance they hold.)

The connection to the divine - to the Earth - is bridged by the plants, herbs and medicines that are growing beneath our feet. We must be tactful, open-minded and responsible when it comes to drugs and their effects on our consciousness.

“Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behavior and information processing.” — Terrence Mckenna

Ask yourself, who wants you to be ‘recovered’?  Who wants you to achieve and blossom?  Who loves you?  

Then, ask yourself, who would benefit from your addiction to a drug? The deceivers, maybe?

The NA, AA and recovery community - if they are really for a better world full of better people - should demand an overhaul of their program. Keep what’s working, add what’s necessary and call out the corruption of the deceivers that’s causing and perpetuating a large quantity of these internal issues that eventually lead to drug abuse.

 Drugs are better off legal.  All drugs.  Legal, and sold in proper businesses.  A few countries are doing this already, and their numbers on crime, drug trafficking and overdose have lowered dramatically since the change was implemented.

And, no, everybody didn’t just start running around all high and out of control. Drug use, itself, actually decreased. Have some faith in your fellow man.

And, know you have no right to try and stop him from putting a drug in his body, anyway. The government has you thinking in the language of control and authority.

Unplug and speak with the leaves of the trees, say thank you and please. We’re all in this together and we ALL can achieve.


  If drugs are legal, we have the following:

Less people in jail.

Free market, which means no more garbage, basement-made, synthetic drugs like ‘K2’ or bath salts.

The price is dropped. Drugs aren’t worth killing for anymore. Eliminates street gangs and cartels.

People naturally feel trusted and respected. We’ve gotten a God-given, human right back and it will feel really good to have it back. (B/c it’s natural!)

Open research so we can find out the benefits of all drugs and use them accordingly.

Big Pharma takes a big enough hit in the pocket to potentially get rid of them altogether.

People openly experiment, learn new things, create new art and make new friends.

I wish everyone the best on their journey of life and discovery and enjoyment; on their pursuit of happiness.  If you are using drugs, use them responsibly.  That’s the only way you can use drugs and maintain a healthy living.  That’s the only way you can use drugs and still afford to pay your overtaxed and overpriced rent and utilities.

If you are ‘in recovery’, do whatever you have to do to be happy. If that means going to meetings every single day, then that means going to meetings every single day.

I only ask that you consider the possibility that - between the deceivers, society groups and the mind games drugs can play on us after years of abuse (years of escaping a reality that wasn’t even reality to begin with) - well, you’ve just been a bit ‘asleep at the wheel’ lately.

You’ve forgotten how strong you are. You’ve blamed yourself for far too much of the world’s issues. And, it’s time for you to focus on your passionate life pursuit. It’s time to stop living in the past. It’s time to learn new things.

Whatever you do...don’t be afraid, and don’t beat yourself up for making a free choice with your own body. You don’t need permission to be different, to be happy or to be incredibly driven for success.

We are all born equal.

A video that can change your life…

The War on Consciousness - Graham Hancock (A banned TED Talk).



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