in #regret6 years ago

He is gone.
He is gone,
Was just a sentence to me
Until I couldn't say it,
because it was my turn.
Only then that I understood,
the chemistry between words and tears.
A 3 letter-word sentence,
capable of making the strongest man
in his prime,
cry like a todler.

That is life.
A journey of struggle to struggles.
And who said that....
Life had a meaning..?
Close your dictionaries
If the dictionary had life itself,
Success wouldn't appear before work.

What we don't see about life,
is so clear that it makes me wonder
how we can be so blind,
how don't we know?
that life has an ending.
why are we not aware,
that what we chase is vanity.
the cars, the cloths, the money,
the women, the children,
the time we were given,
is all vanity
I learnt it hard.
that when our time appproaches,
we don't go with anything
naked we came and naked we will go
because all is vanity.
this reminds me of the Nigerian song.

"vanity upon vanity"

Sometimes I wish that
Life is a movie.
So that after all the acting,
The sorrows, worries and death,
We can all go back
And live happily ever after.

And what If life is a different
Kind of movie?
It is.
Hey have you seen that movie
Called life?
It is real.
People die and they are gone.
They don't come back.
Because this movie doesn't
Have a director that says action
It only has a stage that
All men are players....
They play their part
And they die.
They die and people say
That they are buried.
But in reality, they aren't.

They are only hidden from us In a cage 3 by 6 width and length 2feet deep.. dug from sand only large enough to compress a human carcass from The cranium to the toes Backbone to ribs And the 4feet is covered with 700 shovels of sand..

At the end of the day
my dad left without a goodbye.
even his loyal sleepers,
never followed him.
he left like his
his first day here.
and that is it
for everybody.
Naked you came and naked you will return.
So I ask, why strive for something
fully aware that it can't help us.
Why love someting that can't love us back?

I loved my dad.
I had plans for him
and anyday he made
me angry he would look
at me like I hated him
and I would tell myself
oh dad don't worry,
I have a plan for you and mom.
One day you would see how I loved u.

How wrong I was.
Because one day wasn't mine.
and that one day was never going to come.
how I wished I had told him
I loved him everyday.
How I wish I was always there for him.
now he is gone and all I can do,
is wishing.
All because I claimed I had a plan
I still have my plan
but i don't have my dad
This reminds of the saying
"Time and tides waits for no man"

So I say,
That greeting
That you wanted to greet,
Please go greet

That hug you wanted to give,
Please go give

That smile you wanted to give out,
Smile it out.
You don't know the power it has.

That help you wanted to give please go give out.
and if you have given ,
please give more.

May be one day you would
still have that smile,kiss or help
to give out and there wouldn't be your receiver.
It is not too late please reach out.
Don't say you will do it Tomorrow,
because you don't have Tomorrow.
You have now so do it now.

I once looked at my dad,
and said one day I would want to
see him
if even it it is for him
to make me angry and hurt
but I wouldn't.
I just didn't know that it would be so sudden.

Please reach out now.
Not later not tommorrow

Don't let money blind you.
At the end of the day you would be
wishing you never had it.
Even Bill Gates wishes
not to die but he knows that
wishes aren't horses.
What about you?

Make sure you die in peace.
Make sure you rest in peace.
Only you,
has that power.
Life is a game that no one wins.

What I am saying here,
isn't new to you.
but if you know that
you will die,
why are you not
preparing to meet it?

It is funny how
we prepare for temporary optional tests,
but forget about
permanent compulsory test AKA Death
every soul shall taste death.

Always remember that
one day u will be covered
with 700 shovels of sand

be Inspired.

Follow me on Twitter https://bit.ly/2tIodzD

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