Miss. Opinionated : Mind over matter.

in #relationship8 years ago (edited)

Women can be sly and cunning with their mind games

It is no secret that mind games often dictate the flow of a relationship. So much so, it can determine who's wearing the pants in the relationship. Women like pants. A lot. So much so, that they might even make you feel like you're the one wearing a pansy skirt.

What's the deal?

As fun as it is putting men on leashes, it's never fun for the guy, and I find this over the top behaviour from women very disagreeable. Yet, i'm sure this behaviour remains prevalent and at large. If Miss. Opinionated finds something disagreeable, than it sure as hell shouldn't be agreeable in your book. Let's take a look at examples of this bewitching behaviour and what can be done about it.

The Butler Syndrome

It's really important that a lady remains hydrated throughout the day. But don't think that this rule is not applicable in the middle of a movie, no no. We can't have men thinking our needs are set aside just because the movie gets exciting now can we?

Sure enough, a lady of this breed will hold no reservations in requesting your premier butler service in the middle of a movie. Don't think for a minute that she actually needs a drink. It's all a ruse to see if you'll give in to her very unreasonable request. If you do, she may even text her friends telling them how she's got you under her spell whilst you're out buying her the drink.

What to do?

This kind of behaviour can become systemic. As a nice guy, you may feel tempted to comply but that is exactly what you shouldn't do. Remember, aside from being completely educated the wrong way, a lady of this breed will make a habit of this behaviour if you let her. Any self respecting man, nice or not should stick to his principles, and being someone else's servant isn't one of them. Let her know you're not prepared to be that kind of guy for her. You can be subtle, but the message should be clear.

Waiting for Miss. Busy

Let's face it, we live in a world with more and more people developing hyperactivity, and attention deficit disorder. Honestly, how many tabs in your browser do you have open right now? Exactly.. Women are known for their multi-tasking abilities, but really what that means is they're dividing their attention and time between many different activities, and even people. Naturally, it may take Miss. Busy several days to reply, if at all. Right? Right????!

You have to remember that rationality is not a shared trait between genders, at least in the way you understand rationality.
Miss. Busy may in fact be not very busy at all. The appearance of being too occupied to reply, allows Miss. Busy to mask any signs of being too desperate or needy. Perhaps this insecurity was instilled on her from her previous life of being Miss. Available (and yielding undesired results). But in any case, the well informed man will refrain from appearing too desperate too. You may call her after a few days if she does not respond, but if she still doesn't respond, then go ahead and assume that Miss. Busy is too busy to bother with you and isn't worth your time. Best go with Miss. Available.

Questions with no right answer

Sometimes, a simple question like "Do I look fat?" can make life very hard for the uninformed man. Such presumptuous questions seem to give no reasonable answer. Either you tell the truth and confirm she does look fat, or you lie and then she accuses you of lying. This kind of snare trap is common and highly disagreeable. One should learn how to ask reasonable questions with reasonable answer spaces instead of expecting poor unsuspecting men to choose between the lesser of two evils.

Treat this as a rhetorical question to which no direct answer is needed. Instead, recognise the baiting nature of this question and oblige to her harmless call for attention. Redirection is key.

In the end, your reply is probably as fake as Cher's face but at least you've avoided one battle you sincerely do not want to fight.

What have we learned?

For every dire situation, there is always light at the end of the tunnel!
Being well informed of the inner workings of your partner helps a great deal. This means reading between the lines and responding accordingly.
Assessing the gravitas of the situation goes a long way to deciding how you should respond. In many cases, if you understand the abhorrent behaviour, you can deal with it in such a way that causes the least drama (and we know Miss. Drama loves to show up any chance she can get). It is a journey of mutual understanding and sometimes you may end up understanding she's just not the right person for you, and that's better for you in a long run.



"Your handbag is heavy? Then why bring it out?" LOL. That said, its quite a common sighting here..

Honest tough love is very viable!

Genius. I am NOT showing my husband your blog haha! I love reading your posts.

Thanks! But don't you want him to become better informed? :P

No...i don't want him to know i'm onto him! Gives me power haha

Mrs. Drama is always around the corner hahhaha. Good one.

She is though!

Asian type,specially Chinese man are very popular in western countries,I suppose. At least they could help ladies carry their shopping bags.

That is one popular stereotype indeed. Although i'm not sure carrying shopping bags compares to taking them out shopping and paying for it.

I am dead LOL. it reminds me of our road trips with my bf.
On the highway. Me: "Are we going to stop in my place for a coffee?"
My bf: " you need to pee, right?"
Me: *nodding. Yes.
My bf: "So you never tell me whats your real intention. good thing that I have learned to read your mind"

We, women, do this mind games as small tests. If the guy passes them, we LIKE him. If he doesn't, we ditch him and we will continue to tests the rest of men, until we find the one LOL

Sounds like your man is well informed. I think you got a keeper..!

hahaha definitely yes.

Cool post. Yup I just read that one today.

将来要想娶甜心妹子的男人,得要好牛人,哈哈 :)

哈哈 没有啦= =

About pants wearing. What I have seen is that women do not really like to wear the pants in the relationship. However, because of the inbuilt insecurity in women, she will constantly test the strength of her man. Always, always, always.

Most men think of tests of strength being in the area of moving heavy objects, but what a woman tests is how well you handle social strengths. So, most men do not even understand that there is a test. Most men are of the mind to do whatever is needed to make her happy. However, making her happy during one of these test will make her sad with the relationship.

I am very bad at shit tests, like, "Honey, does this dress make me look fat?" To which I am inclined to answer, "Yes, I asked you to allow me to take in the waist so it sits properly on your hips and doesn't balloon out in the front." Which does nothing for her desire for attention, nor her test of worth.

Very primal, but of course we know strength can be in a multitude of attributes, with physical being just one contributor. Isn't it funny how sometimes the things we think are best, are often not. As if the laws of nature require us to think opposite to how we feel all the time.
For instance, we always want what we don't have, we always think making someone short term happy = long term happy. A true test of life for everybody.

When a woman stands up for the men. Epic.

It's actually beneficial to everyone, the better informed man will know how to "educate" the non-the-wiser girl. Over time, we'll converge in harmony.

Wishful thinking I know.

Unfortunately many men are becoming wussies who want to sit at home playing games while the wife goes to work, so yes, this is a two-way street for sure.

@sweetsssj a guy you can manipulate would become boring in the end
so men, keep your guards :D

Let her know you're not prepared to be that kind of guy for her. You can be subtle, but the message should be clear.

This is so true - in the end most of us need - a man who wears the trousers ;)

englishtchrivy! You are very right there! Have a merry christmas :)

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