The Old Testament stories #1 ----- Creation

in #religion7 years ago (edited)


One of the most difficult and interesting stories described in the Bible is something we find on its first page, the very creation of the world! We see that God (Elohim in Hebrew) at first made heavens and the world.
(Genesis 1) 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

As we can see, everything was dark and the Earth was covered with water. Soon God, using his Word, continued creating by saying "LET THERE BE".

  • On the first day since the beginning God also created light and called its presence "day" and absence "night"
  • On the second day God created a space (fimament or vault) that will divide waters beneath and waters above it and he called that space "sky"
  • On the third day He made dry land to appear and called it "land" and the waters surrounding it "seas". Then he also created entire vegetation.
  • On the fourth day God created Moon Sun and the stars to separate day and night and serve as signs to mark days and months and years.
  • On the fifth day He created all birds and sea creatures from water according to their kinds
  • On the sixth day God created all the creatures that move on the ground from the dust and than finally first man and woman
  • On seventh day God rested and he made the seventh day holy and blessed. (It is interesting to note that the seventh day of creation is Saturday, or in Hebrew Sabbath meaning rest)
At the end God said that everything he made was good and he also repeatably said that during creation.

Contradictions in the scripture?

Many people see the contradictions in these first chapters of the Bible. I will try to answer one of the most common ones.
  • How were there days and nights before God made Sun?---well, we cannot be certain but scripture says that God created light on the first day and that its presence is day and absence night. Is it possible for Almighty God to create a light huge light without a Sun? Of course it is when we believe that he is all-powerful. There are many verses that say that God is light.
  • How did plants live before there Sun was created?---as we said, God could create enough light to call it "day" even before he created Sun. And also many plants can live without Sun for one day. God said that all was good, so I believe there weren't any problems concerning this.
  • Two different creation narratives in Genesis?---well this is one more common problem we can hear these days even from christians. Unfortunately there is no evidence of contradiction when we research deeper. Many will say that in Genesis chapter 2 now story tells that Adam was created before trees and animals, and this time birds are not created from water but from the dust! But, scripture actually says that God created Eden (Paradise) with its trees after creating the man (not all trees)and then he created animals and birds (both from the ground this time) in it(!!!) so that Adam can name them. But everything said in the Genesis 1 is still true, other animals that wander around the world were created before Adam, and all other birds that fly under the sky were made of water.

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I heard from the most of the people that there is something, some force or even aliens who created us by some kind of mutation. Somehow the most of the people today will say that they are Christians, but there is no faith in them, only tradition. We need to be reborn through the Word of God and who will receive these words today

The efforts of those who will endure until the very end won't be for naught... We must share the gospel cause there are still people who can be saved!