in #religion7 years ago

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Once upon a time, The scorpion said to the frog " Can you please carry me on your back across the river? This was because the scorpion couldn't swim. The frog replied , " I can't , Because you will sting me" . The scorpion said , " If I sting you , We would drown and die".
The frog thought about it and said okay jump on my back. Mid way into the river The scorpion stung the frog.

As they a were drowing the frog said to the scoprion. But you said you will not sting me. The scorpion replied ;" I couldn't help it, It's in my nature to sting ".
Does this story make any sense to you? Who are your friends? Are they those who can't help but backbone, it's in their nature to discourage , and instill fear. Here is what God say in Proverb 13:20 , He say ," He who walks with wise men will be wise but the companion of the folks with be destroyed" Its high time you stopped and assessed your friends.

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Are they like pillars that hold you up or like caterpillars that will pull you down ? Some friends are vision killers and destiny destroyer while some are vision encouragers and destiny moulders . Run from anyone that will not bring the best in you . When wrong people leave your life, Wrong things stop happening. Have you heard also that " Putting confidence in an unreliable man or woman is like chewing with a sore tooth or trying to run on a broken foot" . Your best friends are those who bring the best in you , Those who understand your past , Believe in your future and accept you today as you are.
Break loose from wrong friends today .