The world is waking up yet some are so worldy and lost.

in #religion7 years ago (edited)

Hello steemit family,

I would love to hear your views on this post I had made on facebook I copied and pasted below.

"It makes me sad that the world is so blinde to reality and the purpose of life. I see people afraid of the devil and chasing God not realizing they are satanic in themselves. Creating their own demons then blaming the devil then cursing the God they do believe in for not helping them. We as a society victimize ourselves. Hello, Your creator gave you freedom of choice, he helps those who help themselves, their is no right or wrong way but yet everyway is wrong if you don't know the truth. You judge people, you attend church then ignore a friend in need, you consumes alcoholic beverages, wish bad on people, hate, argue with people who are in reality a reflection of yourself. Not realizing the only Devil causing you hell is yourself and your power to create and attract with simply focusing our energy on it. You dont love yourself though, you are afraid, you are told from a young age it's ok to wait around to be saved.. so your hell gets darker and then you are stuck in an endless cycle of generational cursing you place upon yourself. It's sad really. Everyone is lost and enslaved by the world and even religion. Left mind controlled into submission because God forbids we ask questions.

Keep following the ways of the world, keep being entitled and victimized. Helpless products of the life they live. Blaming abuse as an excuse to be shitty people and have shitty souls.
The world's only as beautiful as you are inside.

But no one wants to admit they're ugly."

We are more than our situation. We are not made to live in these chains enslaved by society that in reality is just a big cage. So man people seeking the truth but are lost and mislead. Religion is a form of control. The world has been designed to keep us asleep. Wake up an take responsibility for your are strong creators and the world is endless when we open our mind. The truth is only scary to those who are afraid of change. Please follow and feel free to comment so I can follow back. Its time to come together, share knowledge and make changes. Starting with this community.

Love & Peace annnnd awhole lot of weed:)
Dezirae MorningMoon

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