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RE: Why it doesn't matter if God exists or not

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

Your conclusion would make sense if your premise was true: that God is merely a human fabrication.

But since God existed before humans and created them for a purpose (which includes individually passing or failing the ultimate qualification test of whether we want to accept His authority or substitute our own), then it matters very much whether we recognize that God exists or not.

In fact, that makes all the difference. :)


I like your overview of the matter.
Here is another wiev:

I am working on an article that states:
Our Brain Is Our God: Unless You Understand How Your Brain Works, You Are a Slave to It and NOT A Master of It

There is no need to be psychologist or neuroscientist to recognize it. Just observe your life in writing and keep rereading it and you will discover that you are not much different to trained pets. Your brain guides you by the values you were programed with, mostly from your childhood. It rewards you with a happy feeling when you support your established values and punishes you when you do not.
Please seriously consider the above statement, if you feel there is some truth in it and you are willing do what it takes to rewire your brain, then my writing/blog can help you. It will guide you by example, what to do and what to be careful not to do, to get your brain help you to experience the life you really want.
Even if you believe in God, your brain is the interpreter, the mediator between you and your god. It is your brain that is creating your life experience in accordance to the way your brain has been wired. Due to neuroplasticity, you can rewire it, if you do not get succumbed to its deception. We easily surrender to its manipulation because it will do all to make us uncomfortable.
The elusive change you seek is beyond your comfort zone. Unless you intelligently and persistently go beyond your comfort zone, you will get more of the same, even though your experience new faces and new places.
“Thoughts can change the chemistry of the brain. The chemistry of the brain can change thoughts. First. Second, it’s always incomplete. It’s incomplete because it doesn’t know what the future brings... You have to have passion for what you do. You have to have challenges, and you have to have access to the resources to overcome your challenges. Challenges are good. You don’t want to avoid stress. You want to confront stress with access to the resources.” - Dr. Mario is a clinical neuropsychologist The Secret to Living Beyond a 100 Years Old (& being happier)
We are driven by our brains, like a drug addicts but we need to pause for long enough to consider why we do what we do. Are you able to pause now and answer the following questions to yourself?
• What do you really want and why do you want what you want?
• Is it really necessary for your life enjoyment?
• Do you know, what you really want to experience in your life?
If you really want it and do what it takes to have it, you can have it, if (a big if), if you do, what you must do, to have it. The only free cheese is in the mouse trap.
The first step to understanding yourself is to know your own brain’s possibilities and then you can start to control it. Everyone fears what they do not understand. Your understanding yourself starts with mindfully observing your experiences, your feelings and why you did what you did, writing it down and keep rereading and rewriting. You need to discover your own passion in writing, what you really want and do what it takes to have what you want.
We often fail to get what we want because we wait for others or circumstances to change or some higher power to step in, when we have not done all that we can do. We often wait to feel like doing, not realizing that our feelings are controlled by our brain in accordance to our establish value system. People that succeed are usually those that do not depend on others, their own feelings or waiting for some authority to tell them what to do.
Your programmed mind will fight you every step of your way. Writing will help you to recognize your slippery mind and how it deceives you to keep you supporting your established values. You need to face or confront your “inner demons” or cognitive dissonance, as I have done. Your mindset is the limiting factor to become what you really want to be, to have and to accomplish.
“... how can we be free to look and learn when our minds from the moment we are born to the moment we die are shaped by a particular culture in the narrow pattern of the `me'? For centuries we have been conditioned by nationality, caste, class, tradition, religion, language, education, literature, art, custom, convention, propaganda of all kinds, economic pressure, the food we eat, the climate we live in, our family, our friends, our experiences - every influence you can think of - and therefore our responses to every problem are conditioned. Are you aware that you are conditioned?... You have to be your own teacher and your own disciple. You have to question everything that man has accepted as valuable, as necessary.”— J. Krishnamurti Freedom From the Known
See my blog @wise-brain for more about me and my insight into practical life experience. I believe I can bring life changing insight to this community. I intend to post as much as of my life’s work and experience as I can. I would like to hear your response, feedback, grammar corrections… :)
Website: “Rewiring Brain’s Values” / my book on Amazon “THE BRAINS THAT CONTROL US: Rewire Your Brain by Changing Your Values”. / Facebook: kuskoff

I could return you the exact same argument and that it would make sense if your premise were true too... See that's what I meant when talking about the concept ; I'm glad to discuss what is God and his place in our society but if we just fight over his actual existence, it doesn't makes much sense to me. You consider he existed before humanity and created humans which I don't believe to be true, so we'll stuck in a loop :) Let's just discuss the idea of God if you like

I only know what God has revealed about Himself.

As soon as we start exploring what humans imagine Him to be, we are adrift in the endless realms of human speculation and can learn nothing. That's where most people are lost, because there are so many concepts that humans have made up. Just about as many religions as there are Hollywood movies.

Science stipulates that it can know nothing about things which are not observable and repeatable. Therefore, it has recused itself from this discussion. That leaves us with a choice of what people simply make up out of their own imaginations or what people claim has been revealed to them.

If you tell me you "just made it up as a plausible theory" you have all the credibility of Hollywood.

I'm only interested in looking at cases where credible people claim to have had direct revelation from God.
Then we need to assess the credibility of each story until we get down to the best of the credible, if any.

That's where I find the Bible to be.

If you have another source of direct revelation that is anywhere near that credible, I'm all ears.

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