About My Faith And Conversion

in #religion7 years ago

I am being persecuted for my faith. Trolls demanded I "come clean" about my faith so I decided to write this article in response. It will be too long for the comments.

I was born and raised in the Lutheran church. But I found that there was something missing. I hope not to offend anyone but maybe it was the pastor at the time, maybe the local church. Anyway...

There was something missing. I just did not know what it was.

I searched through the years for that something. I tried different churches and assemblies but nothing ever seemed just right.

I joined the US Army in 1994 which took me around the World. I was not happy with life and had hopes of going to war and dying in battle since I knew suicide was a sin.

It did not happen.

But one day the Army Chaplain did say something to me that really bothered me for years after. Now the shocking thing is that Army Chaplains are trained to be quite neutral as far as the various religions go.

My Chaplain one day asked me something like this: "You are Lutheran, right?". I said "yes, why?"

He answered that the Lutherans are baptized by sprinkling of water on the head while in the Bible baptism was done by full under water submersion. Oddly he left off at that and oddly I never asked.

Years passed by, but that one comment kept nagging in my head.

I eventually finished my term in the Military and stayed in Germany where I was stationed at that time. I worked for the civilian side, serving our soldiers over there while I learned more German and build up a computer business.

After a couple years I left that job and went full time into my own computer business in Germany. I did quite well there but that is another story.

One day a German brought in his computer to be repaired and gave me some sort of church leaflet. I tossed it on a shelf and it eventually found its way under the counter in the dust. I never did read it.

But that man kept coming back many times for repairs. I was starting to feel guilty but it was always a new problem with the computer. You see God works in mysterious ways. This man was listening to me. Just sitting there, not preaching but listening to me talk and tell him about my life, my problems and goings on. This is what I needed.

I had been cheated and used by people for years. I had a nice group of people I called "friends" but who used me for my money. Some "friends" stole from me and so on. It was not nice. I needed a real friend.

This man was listening to me talk. I cant explain it but that did something in me.

One day he asked me to come to a beach get together on a Sunday. I felt I deserved a break after years of 16 to 18 hour days, 7 days a week so I closed my shop and went along.

Something was different with these people. They were all happy. I mean truly happy. Actually, at that time, it made me a bit queasy how happy they were. lol.

But I kept going to their open air and house meetings. I liked these people.

Eventually I was baptized in the ocean during a group visit in England. That night I received the Holy Spirit with the sign of speaking in tongues. If you dont know what that is all about, see Mark 16:16-18

Now this article is not about preaching. This is an answer to my trolls calling me out on my faith. You see, they have some pretty nasty things to say about me and my faith. They demand that I "come clean" about my religion. I dont think they expected this though. But let me continue.

So, after being baptized I started to smile for the first time. I mean, I had never smiled or laughed much at all. I had been proud of the fact that I never smiled. At this time I actually had pain in my face from smiling so much. I was using muscles that were not used to those motions.

Now, in answer to the ones asking....

We believe in the King James Bible as the Word of God. We do not add or remove anything. Those words are what we try to live by. Nothing more. Nothing less. That is our law and guide.

It was suggested that we treat women oddly.

Well, if opening doors, putting her first in all things and treating her better than myself is odd, then so be it. You see the Bible tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves. But with family it goes way deeper. But we are taught to put one another before ourselves. Each and every one of us.

Now I am sure parts of this will be misquoted and taken out of context but I am used to that now anyway.

They will ask me about "turning the other cheek" for sure. But there is a limit to how often a man can do that and still care for his family. A man is not to allow people to walk all over him and his family. The Bible tells us that a man who does not care for his family is worse than an infidel. And I know this will be a hot topic for them.

I could go on and on but I think you get the picture.

Thank you for reading this. Please give me a vote up to help out. Thanks.


Is this your "church," Troy? Christian Assemblies International? I believe it is.

Edit to add: Yes, there's you in their magazine, the guy on the right... https://www.cai.org/christian-pentecostal-church-group-new-york

The one the Australian Broadcasting Corporation made a documentary about, on their prime channel... This documentary, in fact...


The video has expired on their site, but it is still available on YouTube. Here, for instance...

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation, the National network for the whole of Australia, do not make cheap documentaries.

This documentary was the result of years of research. Watch for yourselves, and decide.

I am a follower of the "First Church of Appliantology."

The "white zone" is for loading, and unloading, only.


Thank god it has got a timer on it.

Oh BTW troys timer is slowly running out. (DING)

I am a Pastafarian of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Troy is being persecuted for his faith.
Faith meaning You believe what You believe just because you want to believe and you could care less whether it is true.
Sounds like a scam to me

@thediyworld Your above writings about putting women first is very strange and against the teachings of your church. I believe your wife has to follow steps behind you when walking. Your latest video you made your wife move a washing machine, heavy container of water and clothes hundreds of yards to your shed for a cheap video. Your wife is fresh out of hospital with a caesarian section operation 2 weeks ago. She shouldn't be moving anything. Are you trying to rip her incision open??? Where is your brain, conscious or LOVE!!!!
Wow just Wow!!!

@thediyworld Your above writings about putting women first is very strange and against the teachings of your church. I believe your wife has to follow steps behind you when walking. Your latest video you made your wife move a washing machine, heavy container of water and clothes hundreds of yards to your shed for a cheap video. Your wife is fresh out of hospital with a caesarian section operation 2 weeks ago. She shouldn't be moving anything. Are you trying to rip her incision open??? Where is your brain, conscious or LOVE!!!!
Wow just Wow!!!

Not biting the bait T-Liar but I will reply to myself so that you don't get paid. Is this you on the right hand side of this photo? Sure looks like you belong to that evil filthy cult that is plastered all over the internet. Here is the link once again as proof T-Liar belongs to an evil filthy cult https://www.cai.org/christian-pentecostal-church-group-new-york

Nice timcat. You will face God on judgement day right next to oldcodge. I would certainly think long and hard before smearing any church.

The stuff you write could be all lies. It could be that you are just starting hellfire under your behind.

I would never mess with such things.

And it is absolutely NOTHING like the church that I know and attend. Either people are seriously lying or its a parallel universe. Cause I have never seen anything but the King James Bible being taught in its fullness.

By the way, timcat - last I looked, it was a free country. Did not soldiers fight and die for the freedom of religion in this country?

Is not the freedom of religion part of the American Constitution?

Do I not have the right to worship as I feel without being harassed and persecuted?

Or did you guys just make yourselves judge, jury and executioner?

@thediyworld Your above writings about putting women first is very strange and against the teachings of your church. I believe your wife has to follow steps behind you when walking. Your latest video you made your wife move a washing machine, heavy container of water and clothes hundreds of yards to your shed for a cheap video. Your wife is fresh out of hospital with a caesarian section operation 2 weeks ago. She shouldn't be moving anything. Are you trying to rip her incision open??? Where is your brain, conscious or LOVE!!!! Wow just Wow!!!

I told you the teachings. Anything you say is just filthy spit.

@thediyworld You appear to not follow those teachings, are full of HATE and my comments are NOT 'filthy spit'. I have a great attention to detail, observe the vile filthy things YOU DO to all around you. These are things YOU DID, Mr. Religious. Your wife had C-section 2 weeks ago, should do nothing physical for way more than two weeks. You abuse everyone around you.

haaa so you say troy is full of hate ? its you lot full of hate , go away pratt and grow up, when you finally accept your own failings then come back, your just a idiot, and like codger you need to be taught a lesson in life, which will come to you soon

Blessed are those that are Persecuted for their faith.
I know what you are going through Troy, I am a Mormon Convert.

So tell me why are all you deeply religious clowns here trying to scam people out of their money.
Go ahead and befriend the scum sucking con man by the name of Troy Reid who hides behind his phony religious belief to reel in the suckers.

gilholey , you are a idiot sir,
do you really believe that most people give a damn what you and your cult says about troy and most others ?
and if i or others decide to send things to troy or any one else, what the fuck has it to do with you ?
your just a trouble maker,

Apparently you care enough to comment .
Did you get all triggered.
Be Careful

@thediyworld Your above writings about putting women first is very strange and against the teachings of your church. I believe your wife has to follow steps behind you when walking. Your latest video you made your wife move a washing machine, heavy container of water and clothes hundreds of yards to your shed for a cheap video. Your wife is fresh out of hospital with a caesarian section operation 2 weeks ago. She shouldn't be moving anything. Are you trying to rip her incision open??? Where is your brain, conscious or LOVE!!!! Wow just Wow!!!

Actually you must be thinking about the wrong religion

The baby is now 6 weeks old so your timing is way OFF.

Melanie pulled a tiny little wagon. She did not lift or pick up anything. But you saw me lifting everything on video myself so you know that.

Is the baby still sleeping in a Tupperware container? You showed that on video.
Can you show us where the baby sleeps now or are you to ashamed to show your real daily life videos.

As promised previously Troy this is another story of our man from Michigan . This one is about " LOVE " . A little background first . The man was a social misfit , especially with the opposite sex . Unable to find love in the good old U , S of A . The solution , seek it out in a third world country . WARNING : before continuing have plenty of tissue on hand . He joins a dating site and voila , in no time at all he's hit with a thunderbolt from the heavens . His true love is right there on the screen . Lord have mercy , a VERY young woman loves him . Benny Hill theme now plays . He packs , flies 10,000 miles over to her , proposes , she accepts , flies back and unpacks . Have that tissue handy now . The visa costs are going to bankrupt him , sniff , sniff , what to do . Losing his hair , can't sleep , oh lord . Ah ha beg for it ! Thank you folks . BUT WAIT , how do I get her to America . Will the suffering never cease , even the chickens are feeling his anguish , they stopped laying eggs and evil nasty winds are tearing his fairy meadow to shreds . ( have to take a break from this tale , my watery eyes make me unable to see the keys ) I will endeavor to persevere . What to do Lord almighty ? Ah ha , beg some more . Thank you again folks . And there you have it Troy . Our man who was " living in a fish bowl , year after year " ( stole that from Pink Floyd , Animals ) found and with a little ebegging bought a " Very " young bride . Wasn't that a touching story Troy ? Don't worry , I haven't forgotten the tale of the downtrodden bloke who worked for this fellow . It will be in the next edition of Scambuster Chronicles .

Nobody I know. People can make a video. People can say anything. This church is nothing like what they say. Nothing at all.

2 Timothy 3:12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

Quote: "After a couple years I left that job and went full time into my own computer business in Germany." What was the name of your computer business in Germany?
Quote:" Eventually I was baptized in the ocean during a group visit in England." What was the name of your religious group, you don't mention it in this story? What is the name of the church group that changed your life?

What religion do you follow oldcodge? I'm sure we could dig up some Lies about it as well.

don't worry about oldcodge he is just a angry old man living on state handouts , spent most of his life on state hand outs to be honest,
he sent a cheap amazon battery tester to troy because troy was thinking of buying one as it would be a handy item,
then accused troy of begging for one ,
that's how delusional oldcodger is, he thinks if you have the idea in your head that something might be handy and that you should get one [ we all think like that about things at times] well codger decided to send troy a gift, then accused troy of being a scammer ,
he is one of those pratts, don't have much money, and then gets angry with himself after he decides to do a good deed, then hates himself for doing it and attacks the other person for it, when it was himself - oldcodger - who made the decision in the first place.

Apologies for taking so long to notice your reply...

Spent all my working life paying my own way, my mortgage, and my taxes, and looking forward to a good long life, before ill health forced me to fall back on the benefits to which I am entitled, Docs-hunter. Or should I call you "Fixed by Dork?"

What I sent to Troy was the most expensive "professional" Hydrometer on Amazon.com

The reason I sent it to him was that I thought, mistakenly, as it turns out, was that he would use it to properly monitor the state of his battery bank. What actually happened was that he showed it a couple of times, but never actually used it to monitor his battery performance or state of charge... This was when I started to question his veracity.

What actually turned me against him was when he had my YT channel closed down for repeatedly questioning his misguided actions. Re: Faulty shingle escapade, water tank fiasco, and solar panel placement joke...

And here we all are today... So, why do you feel that you need to question those of us who doubt his version of the truth? Do you have a vested interest? How much did you send him?

@thediyworld Your above writings about putting women first is very strange and against the teachings of your church. I believe your wife has to follow steps behind you when walking. Your latest video you made your wife move a washing machine, heavy container of water and clothes hundreds of yards to your shed for a cheap video. Your wife is fresh out of hospital with a caesarian section operation 2 weeks ago. She shouldn't be moving anything. Are you trying to rip her incision open??? Where is your brain, conscious or LOVE!!!!
Wow just Wow!!!

One would think Troy bought a servant and not a Wife. I did it all on crutches with a busted foot for 2 months. Wife always wanted to help but I told her don't worry I can manage. I got called A stubborn asshole a lot, but at least I kept my pride as a Man and a Provider

he made her do it ?? hunnybadger ?? where is the proof of this ? how do you know she didnt decide to do it for him ?
i dont think she is a cripple so a carrier bag of clothes isn't going to hurt her,
the so called washing machine weighs virtually nothing and could easily be moved on a trolley,
the same as a bucket of water,
talk about getting your facts right,
you really need to think things over properly , but since your a member of .sucks, well that explaines everything , your a sheep, and follow the others because your an idiot

@docs-hunter She shouldn't be lifting 5 pounds or risk ripping incision open. For a stupid video??? A 2 week old C-section incision is still at risk. Call a doctor or nurse and find out how dangerous this is MORON!!! 6 weeks healing to be really safe. The ab muscles are cut through and need to heal. She shouldn't lift anything DUMBASS!!! Troy said he had Melanie move and carry everything for him, his words. Sucks to go through life as STUPID as you and Troy.

4 weeks ago and she can lift 15 pounds. Pulling weight is lighter than lifting.

hunnybadger are you as stupid as you sound ?
yes any operation can be at risk of opening ,
i have known people to have operations and none of them decided to be bed bound for the amount of time that they say they should have been,
this is real life, people will still get up and do things , operation or not,
and they take it easy, and make sure they dont strain themselves,
as for the stupid video, there are thousands out there that will find it informative and will search youtube for that type of washing machine as they are probably looking at getting one and want to know if it will suit them for what they want.
yes he said " move "" and carry , but what and how did she move them and what did she carry ??
your the idiot dickhead, you jump on here looking for anything to pick on people, why ? is your live so bad that you cant think of anything good ?
go back to oldcodger i hear he has a 3inch length that you would like to get between your fingers ,,

What everyone has missed here is the point of WHY anyone would stoop to moving a 110VAC-required washing contraption 50 yards across the Dumpstead #2 just to hook it up to a (supposed) off-grid power source to do a simple batch of laundry...when there is a PROVEN perfectly working laundry facility (on-grid) in the trailer??? TR has regularly shown laundry hanging to dry (done obstensively by his own mother & Melanie) in previous videos?? What kindof of buffoon would do this? Is it just for the bravado of showing to the world just how "off-grid" he is??

Insanity at its best!!!

@docs-hunter fixed-by-dicks(dork) Thanks for stating the RISK of any operation opening. There was RISK and she shouldn't have moved a thing. The washing machine was reviewed the day before inside in a bathtub. This was a FAKE solar power demo only so trivial BS showing nothing. Inverter current not shown during demo. Risking your wife for 'stupid trivial FAKE' youtube crap shows an abusive uncaring ignorant husband. If the bathtub had 'solar power' why did this video happen at all? Move everything for nothing??? Unplug frig if running is easier than rupturing your wife, ye of little brain. Speaking up when a man is endangering a recovering wife is NOT 'picking on someone'. Your childish weenie insults shows your intelligence. There is NO SOLAR POWER in trailer or chalet so 95% ONGRID. Effin LIARS.

Hi everyone. The filth has started to be slung here. Please read my article, watch my videos and make your own judgments. Do not let the filth of trolls or some nasty material they put online mislead you.

The Bible says "you shall know them by their fruits".

By the way, its easy to make a "documentary" these days. This is in reply to oldcodge.

I remember a woman who calls herself "discohippychick" who made a very convincing documentary about me. Was very well done. All but one thing. I dont even know the people in there.


Why would I deny my faith? I do not deny my faith.

He will deny it unless he can profit off it.
He said he was a Minster so he could use people down on their luck like the babies daddy neck brace Chris.

I'm waiting for the new stooge to join Troy, I bet this next one will be a meth addict.

Quote: "After a couple years I left that job and went full time into my own computer business in Germany." What was the name of your computer business in Germany?
Quote:" Eventually I was baptized in the ocean during a group visit in England." What was the name of your religious group, you don't mention it in this story? What is the name of the church group that changed your life?

[-]reflectivechick why do you ask such questions ? why are you so besotted by troy ? do you still fancy him ?
are you still that angry that you were not his sort and he found someone that he really cares about ?
i was so sorry to hear that you were hart broken but troy dont fancy people like you ,
come on , look at your behavior, then you will understand why your neighbours dont like you.

(Fixed-by-Dork) I don't have any neighbors in rural Michigan. Id-jit.

[-]reflectivechick not surprising sir , i dont know anyone that would want to live near you , unfortunately your neighbors cant get rid of you so have to put up with you.

Troy is a con man and an animal abuser. Watch his old videos and judge for yourself. He survives by e-begging and getting gifts from people, most of which he later sells for cash. He is a pathological liar. His animal abuse is horrendous. He has left for several trips and left his animals unattended. The result of which was some terrible deaths. He abused a dog, starved his chickens with no food or water, and left them to freeze and live in their own filth. But you wont see these videos on here i am sure. Watch his old videos on YouTube and you will see what this disgusting con man is all about. And you can also ask him about the pedophile he is friends with and had out at his property. This guy is a creep.

nighthoel. i think you need to watch the original vids on troys youtube channel. in full. i have and know that you are only going by what his haters say about him ,
dont watch the haters vids as they have been edited to look bad and deliberately give the wrong impression,

I most certainly have watched his videos on YouTube that is how i know. What i said in my original post is from watching his videos...for years. I think it is shameful how he lies and gets people to send him money and gifts. Especially when real people have to work hard for their money he thinks it just OK to live off the backs of other people. Other people can watch his videos (i bet he takes the bad ones down) and make their own decision. That is my opinion.

dear oh dear nitehowl.
there are hundreds of thousands of videos out there that you would find entertaining ,
and ask for donations on every video, why not look for them and play your games with them ?
so please let us all know how much troy really earns, as you claim he has a bottomless pit of money ?
have you ever edited videos ? i dont think you have as it takes hours to do so.
ok we all know troy went through a hard time, its not easy to get out of a financial pit once you get in one, as you already know.
why would troy make bad videos ? when your friends on that group .sucks makes them for him ?
you lot are so pissed off that troy wont tell you what you lot want him to say ,
you think because troy dont work for others that he dont work ?
get out of your home and try to live life in the way troy lives his ,
then you will see that it is not a easy life ,
ok he sells things , thats how he makes his money , whats wrong with that ? you corner shops sell things but i bet you dont keep going to them and having ago at them.
yes he did ask for help, when he needed it , so what ?
people send him things now and again , so what ? no one made them do it, its their choosing to do so.
he puts web pages up and gets payed for the adverts that go on them . so what ? thats using you loaf , and looking at the future.
but you lot seem to think that because he was [not long ago] living in a leaking , cold old rotting camper that he should spend his life in the gutter ,
he has come a long way from that, ok he might not be rich financially, but as he said himself - his riches are his family -

now - if he stayed in that old gutter that he was in, then i could understand people picking on him as thats what bullies do to the poor,
but a person that has worked hard to try and get out on the gutter , well i have respect for that,

I stand by my statement as I have watched his videos for years. People can judge for themselves. They will have their opinions as you will have yours. And, by the way, I am not a member of dot sucks.

Making YouTube videos for your FREE entertainment is NOT living off the backs of other people. And Google pays my check which I use to pay the bills.

We have a very familiar life story. I too was in the army and stationed in Germany. I now know a I was a mere brainwashed young man blindly dedicated and serving as a puppet for the filthy criminal banksters and dark occultists that run this world. I too went through a few phoney baloney churches seeking for truth until I actually read the gospels and realized Jesus taught against everything I believed and stood for like nationalism, authoritarianism and violence. I went through and still go through hell for following what Jesus actually taught instead of what others say he taught.

May God bless you on your path towards truth and share His thoughts and desires with you.

Thank you for sharing that. May God preserve you and keep you strong. As you can see I am in a dark battle myself. Please keep us in prayer. One thing the Army taught me is that the more you beat me down, the stronger I stand and fight.

Don't be taken in by TR the monkey. Troy Reid, better know as TR, Trog, Leatherhead (because of his dirty stinking greasy old hat that he wears every place he goes even in the house) Turkey Head, Fruit Loops and more, is a full time ebegger, scammer and a fraud.
He has a band of dedicated goons on his YouTube channel that send him their money because he refuses to get a job.
His 100k subs on YouTube, I believe are mostly bought hence the reason for only 2 or 3 thousand views of his no content video.
I think what has amazed me the most since he has been on here is just how nasty he is, throwing random accusations at everyone because he can't delete their comment.
Trogs story of scanning and stupidity is a long one, he is the only YouTuber I know that has a superb dedicated sucks site, it is definitely the best place to gen up on his evil doings.
Come on over, everyone is friendly, it's not the place Reids suckers make it out to be.

Billy Boy, don't be taken in by TR the monkey. Troy Reid, better know as TR, Trog, Leatherhead (because of his dirty stinking greasy old hat that he wears every place he goes even in the house) Turkey Head, Fruit Loops and more, is a full time ebegger, scammer and a fraud.
He has a band of dedicated goons on his YouTube channel that send him their money because he refuses to get a job.
His 100k subs on YouTube, I believe are mostly bought hence the reason for only 2 or 3 thousand views of his no content video.
I think what has amazed me the most since he has been on here is just how nasty he is, throwing random accusations at everyone because he can't delete their comment.
Trogs story of scanning and stupidity is a long one, he is the only YouTuber I know that has a superb dedicated sucks site, it is definitely the best place to gen up on his evil doings.
Come on over, everyone is friendly, it's not the place Reids suckers make it out to be.

I am a christian and raised baptist i found this article interesting.

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Troy is making badges and not making money, Hey troy when the baby is hungry and crying and wants food give it a badge to eat, its still better than having a job right?

are the badges his only income ? @offgridproject

An opinion on the Land Contract between Mrs. Marcia Wright & Troy W. Reid dated and notarized 29 July 2015.

Reid did NOT mention having a boundary survey done with stakes at the corners to verify the specific property dimensions. How would Reid know when folks were trespassing or when he encroached the neighbors land? Did he count on divine intervention from select texts in his battle bible? Allegedly handed over $15k as a down payment + $1500/month not knowing whether the land occupied was clear of any encumbrances? How did he know if Mr. Russell Wright had a wife or wives prior to Marcia, if they still held dower & courtesy rights, title and/or produced entitled heirs? If the contract was a valid one it would have contained the docket book number, block & lot numbers of land Mrs. Wright was to convey upon payment in full of the contract, until then the land was exclusively hers & obligation for taxes. Reid limited legal recourse by not paying for a title search before signing the contract devoid any knowledge of the land's history. Was it once the sight of a tannery, mine, cemetery, slaughterhouse, farm, battlefield, possible easement on the water rights such as maintenance of dams or bridges. Upon change of title designated as private forest with a reduced property tax rate it would legally require a variance to reside on the land in compliance with any/all health & building codes.

Reid was granted rights to occupy that land but not reside. Reid occupied the land with 160' long 10' wide lead paint demolished barn wood, roadside garbage, junk vehicles, rotting RV's, boats, tractors, & trailers. He failed to include the term exclusive. Troy could now legally hunt on that property complying with NY DEC regulations. Reid stepped on that land mine with both feet lamenting last year hunters were on the land illegally chasing away the deer. Marcia had every right to honor and/or revoke hunting rights granted in the past, while retaining title to the land. The timbers are specifically NOT granted to Reid & remain the exclusive right of Marcia, even the maple sap to harvest as she saw fit. It's a riddle that Reid failed to get in writing rights to use the timbers. Reid demonstrated on videos standing like a piece of dead from the neck up wood when contractors downed timbers with easement/access rights for their vehicles, under no obligation to fulfill Reid's alleged barter of timbers for gravel. Despite advertising Old Growth Firewood on the internet Reid exploited Mrs. Wright's property & her fair share of profit. Contractors were not strategically clearing timbers providing sunlight for solar panels, all profit from the timbers, are Marcia's alone.

Reid might as well have had strapped to his back a Vegas styled neon sign flashing S T U P I D. By going cheap thinking himself the more savvy of the two, certainly proved himself a six foot stack of dumb sh*t by not retaining a NY attorney to represent his interest in this first major real estate transaction. From the looks of that simple document, to wit, no educated consumer would have penned their signature.

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