God is wise: Remember me, LORD, when you show kindness by saving your people. Psalm 106:4

in #remember6 months ago

The Psalm 106 is a didactic psalm that relates or describes the history of the people of Israel from their departure from Egypt with the prophet Moses until their oppression by the Assyrian and Babylonian empires.
The Psalm describes in a somewhat pessimistic way the inclination of men to error and evil, and how God with his righteousness and mercy (compassion, kindness, gentleness) saved the nation of Israel from the numerous enemies that threatened it.
This is why the hymn begins with a praise to God and an important blessing to explain the true path to the union with God:
" No one can praise you enough
for all the mighty things
you have done.
You bless those people
who are honest and fair
in everything they do" Psalm 106:2-3.
The righteousness and the fear of God (constancy, firmness, devotion), the song teaches in simple words, constitutes the path that pleases God because the Lord is wise, and those who do not follow this spiritual way practice error and fall into idolatry.
That is why the Psalm continues with a recognition of man's guilt before God so that he does not forget his covenant with men, in particular the nation of Israel: "We have sinned, even as our ancestors did; we have done wrong and acted wickedly" Psalm 106:6.
It is very probable that this song was written during the exile of the Israelites in Babylon, after the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, a time when the descendants of Abraham had to reflect in order to rebuild their nation and return to the Holy Land.
This is why the hymn is also a song of hope, and so, the author of the Psalm expresses with longing his need to see his country rebuilt with these words:
"Remember me, LORD,
when you show kindness
by saving your people.
Let me prosper with the rest
of your chosen ones,
as they celebrate with pride
because they belong to you" Psalm 106:4-5.
The Psalm is not an isolated song in its theme but is the continuation of previous Psalms that discuss the same theme: men must not forget God and his eternal and perfect wisdom, because the ethical laws of the universe are inflexible, and they explain that there is no blessing for heretics, but for those who choose the path of truth.
God is wise. Remember me, LORD, when you show kindness by saving your people. Psalm 106,4.jpg
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