Resource-Based Economy... Huh?

I have another tiny rant to do, this time about resource-based economies. I think that these people are not very ethical. I think that––I mean, let’s just talk about the name itself. Resource-based economy. All economies are based on resources; otherwise, you wouldn’t have any economy. So I think, you know, right off the bat, it is kind of playing with people’s intelligence and just their feelings, if you will. So the idea that an economy cannot be resource-based is kind of dumb. It is like, you know, there are not a whole lot of things happening in the Sahara Desert or Salt Flats, Utah. So what I’m trying to say is that these guys are, at best, very naïve.

So after that, we move on to the idea––in fact, I did a lot of research, probably a couple of years ago. I did maybe a whole 6 months really reading up on all of that stuff, and I came up with the realization––and not to copy my friend, but to agree with him––Adam Wong from Australia––resource-based economy, what these guys are preaching, is nothing but Communism with robots. Just think about it. And then to me, it is also another thing that is very near and dear to my heart because the idea of purpose gets taken away from you. So suddenly, from being a human––you know, it takes the humanness out of you. You become like a little Chihuahua dog in a big house, and you get fed, and you get a nice house every 3 years because they are biodegradable or whatever, and the computer does all the calculations for you.

Number one, that’s impossible. They cannot possibly calculate what every human needs. I mean, look what is happening in Venezuela and all the socialist countries where they think they can come up with the economic calculation that Mises talked about back in 1920. So we need prices to begin with. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt. Let’s say that it works. What the hell are you going to do with your life? I’m not saying––I mean, I understand that they are busy jobs that shouldn’t exist. They are just there to appease somebody or to strike someone’s fancy. It is not really purposeful. I get that. And the whole idea that you’re just going to be looking at your navel as you are breathing––I mean, I understand meditation. I’m a meditation teacher. I’m a certified yoga instructor as well. But the idea that we humans need purpose. We need to be able to expand our intelligence, our––if you want to call it God-given or universe-given or whatever––desires to be able to explore the universe, getting to know each other through us. We are the pinnacle of universal expansion, so we are getting to understand the universe through us. So with that, we are taking that away because we are just kind of being like little fancy pants.

So what I am coming up with is the robots will take care of the bad things, you know, the bad things that nobody wants to do, like cleaning toilets and all of that. Let me tell you something. We are getting there. I mean, for Christ’s sake, look where we are now. There are a lot of jobs that have been taken over by technology thanks to the ability of having wealth, and back in the day, people used to say, “Oh, gee. I’m 9 years old. I have to work in a factory.” Or, “Oh, gosh, the bubonic plague,” and this and that. We don’t see those things happening. People complain about being offended. People complain about silly things that 50 years ago, 100 years ago, it’s like,” Jesus, just get over that stuff.” You know, the whole idea of, for instance, my dad started working at 6 years old, and he would deliver papers and be a little carrier just so he could get a little more sustenance for the family. So not because of the law, but because people started becoming wealthier, they didn’t have the need to send their kids to work, so what these guys are trying to do is they are trying to say that human condition is such that it is flawed and we don’t trust one another, and we just need robots to be able to take care of this.

I mean, we’re going towards a similar goal, but it’s backwards. It’s backwards. The whole essence of their ideology is flawed there, so when I’m talking about resource-based economy robbing people of their humanness, you know, what are you going to do when you’re just sitting there? If everything is given to you, what is next? What if I want to explore space? One of the things that I was reading in the manifesto is that people cannot use certain types of drugs. What if I want to explore my consciousness? What if I want to take ayahuasca? What if I want to do so many other things? What are we talking about? Are they going to kill me or do things like punish me just because I’m a dissenter? Like really? I mean, are you any different than the totalitarian oppressors like Fidel Castro? Or even here, the Clintons, George Bush, you name it. I think it is extremely flawed.

And what I’m trying to say is that I hope we can really understand how good we have it now, how easy our lives are these days, where we don’t have to loot and rob our neighbors to be able to accumulate money. It is much easier to find a job and serve our fellow humans, and by doing that, you can get a decent income. So my idea is that these guys––maybe what I have found is that a lot of them seem to have a shadow of money, and not as the main issue, because we have been jaded for the last 110 years since we became––or the money became socialized, whenever the money became part of the government instead of just being a free entity. So the problem is not really money but who issues the money––in this case, the Federal Reserve. And as Ron Paul would say, “End the Fed.” And that would alleviate a lot of problems, such as inflation and taxation. It would be easier to avoid taxation by doing that. Crypta Currency is a great example of how we can do that and how by using technology like these guys are advocating––

You guys know I am a city boy. I like technology. I want a Tesla self-driving car, for Christ’s sake, so I can play video games as I’m going to work or I can make more videos. So it’s not that I am against technology. I’m totally in favor of technology. I cannot wait until we have wallpaper in our house that is smart, and you can just walk in and touch it, and you get your e-mail, and suddenly you can see Netflix on your wall, and stuff like that. So I’m looking forward to that. What I’m not looking forward to is for these guys to rob us of our purpose and the idea that we can trade, because by doing that, the spirit of business has been extremely healing. If we continue at that pace that were going on currently, poverty will not exist in about 20, 30 years––abject poverty. So that is pretty exciting. You’ll only be able to find out about poverty in museums or on the Internet if you look hard enough. So my great-grandchildren will ask me, “What is poverty like? What was that like back in the 21st century?” So resource-based economy––all economies are resource based.

Another thing that David Suzuki, who is an environmentalist, is more mental than enviro. He says that economics is not even a science. It is a dismal science. Let’s talk about that. He said the first time he walked into an economics class, they try to woo you with all these things and how you can cut down the entire Amazon forest, but you’re going to make money. So I can understand that he is against growing capitalism. He’s against the idea that unconscious people that don’t see what is under their noses––but let me tell you this, that whole idea that people just cut down trees––we’ve got more trees than we ever had, and the whole point of that is because we don’t just cut any trees down to make houses or get paper. There are definite spaces where people grow certain kinds of trees with certain purposes. People don’t just cut down trees just because they want to make a buck, because who the hell is going to buy those trees if they are not profitable in the first place?

So I think David Suzuki and all these kinds of people really need to look deep into themselves and see what is the deal. Why are they not learning and expanding more about the economy, what is real, and not just what they hear from television? Because this guy said intelligentsia, academics, people that really require government money to be able to keep their jobs––so it is not like they are able to give a real service to humanity aside from the tax money. So that is why they defend it so strongly. I know a few of you may be against this or disagree with me. I want to hear your thoughts, and if you have questions, I will be happy to answer them. Again, this is Luis with Emancipated Human and the Dollar Vigilante, and I hope to see you soon. Again, if you have questions, if you disagree, let me know. I would like to take this deeper sometime soon. Have a great day.


Robots doing everything -is- a cool idea, but as with everything else, centralized control would bork it. As you point out, a centralized node of control would still have no way of determining what everyone needs, regardless of whether it was robots or people producing everything.
But I love the idea of being able to have robots to do the stuff that we need, so we can all just concentrate on the stuff that we want and like. :)

It is not a given that there must be centralized control though. Things like Unreal Engine, Steemit, etc. provide us with the prospect of pursuing open-sourced and de-centralized systems. It is, at the very least, within the realm of possibility to get the things we need and concentrate on what we like within a de-centralized context.

Exactly! Let's build the robots! And by that, I mean, us, not some centralized cabal of power brokers. It's happening in some ways, like the drone revolution. Everyone has a drone, people are developing ways to make them commercially useful, like for deliveries, or politically useful, like recording rallies and protests from a vantage point that the police simply can't reach to stop them(i.e. 40 feet in the air).
And, of course, the government is reacting to that, and working to prevent such private uses. You have to register your drones, they can only fly so far, etc. It's a contest, to see which side, the centralists, or the individualists, can respond the fastest with the mostest.

absolutely. and we can do a lot of delegating to robots. im for that!

Yeah, exactly. The key is that the decisions of what to delegate, aka what needs to be done, should always be at the individual level :)

The first clue that the RBE peeps are full of it is the fact that they've been at this for decades and the only thing they have to show as a proof-of-concept are a some architectural concept drawings that assume the existence and use of materials that aren't commercially available.

I think there also should be a choice for RBE, it's not without its merits. I think its worth discussing bout it

Good that you've brough this up. Personally, i think there's no one size fits all solution, but RBE maybe useful in certain "parts" or "aspects" of the puzzle.. definitely would wanna expand on this some day :)

To me it is quite obvious that money is not the problem nor is technology or even guns. The problem is always with how what it is that is used, is used. Guns can be used to save lives and they can be used to take them, money can be used to feed children or to buy children for sex and technology can be used to create a healthier and more happy life or a more lazy and destructive one.
So really arguing capitalism or not capitalism or technology or no technology is a mute point. What we all need to be looking at is values. What are our values, our moral and spiritual ideals. This is what EVERYONE can benefit from. Now yes of course we will still disagree from time to time, but if everything we did we ONLY did or everything we supported or participated in we ONLY did, IF we believed it was morally and spiritually ideal.....Then we would have an ideal or very close to ideal world.
The next essential thing humans must start doing is stop arguing, complaining and fighting. Its ok to be different, in fact its pretty much a guarantee. So how about instead of complaing we ACTUALLY create the world we want to live in and then LIVE in it! Instead of trying to make other people see things our way how about we just live so awesome that people are naturally inspired?!?!
This is what needs to be discussed. I am super excited about this Steemit Platform as it is an awesome example of a capitalistic voluntarist society. WE have the power. Lets make it great!
Here is my first article I just wrote about why it has so much potential to be REVOLUTIONARY!

turning people on and making them free and able to explore their purpose! <3

Last time I checked David Suzuki had 26 "honorary" degrees. Probably it's 33 now.

I read streams of consciousness like this and feel optimistic about the prospects of humanity despite the misrepresentation we so often get about where we stand on the timeline of humanity and how today compares to any other time period on that timeline with regard to prosperity, awareness, technology and just the unmatched scope of what falls within the realm of possibility.

Too often we fail to acknowledge the privileged frame of reference we have in our time. I mean, we live in a time where de-centralization is not only possible, but a reality when you look to crypto-currencies. Privacy and sovereignty with regard to personal information is not only possible, but a reality when you look to, what I consider THE MOST fascinating and defining technological feature of the human race, which is encryption.

Like you, I too foresee and yearn for a future where we can expand the key elements that have contributed to so much technological, social, physical and spiritual prosperity, but we have yet to deconstruct the entities who have benefited the most from particular achievements of humanity and as a result have developed a vested interest in maintaining things as they are regardless of whether the system is outdated or even detrimental.

The beauty here however, is the fact that humanity can not be trumped once we've passed a certain collective spiritual and conscious threshold which is evidenced by the massive momentum and push we see behind de-centralized and open-sourced systems which directly oppose the vested interests of a few while supporting and fueling the vested interests of humanity.

Thank you for the great read.

thank you for reading and for your very substantial comment. truly humbled.!

@emancipatedhuman pretty cool to time travel and read these words from the past in the present future... wait... what? LMAO. <3

Might be the weed I just had, but I died laughing here.

It is like, you know, there are not a whole lot of things happening in the Sahara Desert or Salt Flats, Utah. So what I’m trying to say is that these guys are, at best, very naïve.

The rest was good shit.

"There are a lot of jobs that have been taken over by technology thanks to the ability of having wealth, and back in the day, people used to say, “Oh, gee. I’m 9 years old. I have to work in a factory.” Or, “Oh, gosh, the bubonic plague,” and this and that."

I died laughing. My 10 y.o. thinks I'm crazy ;P

It's funny how so many anarchists are such rabid defenders of capitalism and our current economic paradigm. To think that by just removing the state, free trade and capitalism would flourish without coercion or corruption is in my opinion a bit short-sighted. Of course the state is violent and coercive, but take a minute and think about the possibility that the state is an outgrowth of our economic paradigm (capitalism), rather than the other way around. Like Michael Ruppert said, "until you change the way money works, you change nothing". I'm not sure what research you've done on resourced-based economies, but the majority of mine has come from Peter Joseph and The Zeitgeist Movement- which I'm a huge supporter of. They advocate for global sustainability and advancements in public health. Of course the movement is marginalized by the establishment (and too by anarchists apparently),labeling it Marxist/Communist, or some sort of utopian fantasy. In reality its backed by research and science, and if you don't believe me then check out their book 'The Zeitgeist Movement Defined". I think it's vitally important to embrace the philosophies of anarchism/voluntaryism; humanity will never make progress hallucinating a belief in authority and cowering to an abusive and exploitative power structure. It's equally important to let science and technology be our guides in terms of economics, rather than old archaic ideologies like capitalism, or any of the -isms for that matter.

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