Game history of player @tstreversteem
Elo rating: 1199
The latest game is
Rated game with time limit 72:00:00
Last move: Black, g8
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The latest game is
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Elo rating: 1142
The game is
Rated game with time limit 00:01:00.
Last move: White, e3
Disks: 3
Elapsed: 04:28:56
Elo rating: 1153
Disks: 3
Elapsed: 00:00:00
Elo rating: 1259
Transcript: c4-e3
Elo rating: 1210
The game is
Last move: White, e3
Disks: 3
Elapsed: 00:12:58
Elo rating: 1228
Disks: 3
Elapsed: 00:00:00
Elo rating: 1184
Winner: White
Black is loss by time.
Transcript: c4-e3
Elo rating: 1179
The game is
Rated game with time limit 00:01:00.
Last move: White, e3
Disks: 3
Elapsed: 00:03:04
Elo rating: 1194
Disks: 3
Elapsed: 00:00:00
Elo rating: 1218
White win.
Black lose on time.
Transcript: d3-e3
Elo rating: 1165
The game is
Rated game with time limit 00:01:00.
Last move: White, d6
Disks: 3
Elapsed: 00:01:15
Elo rating: 1179
Disks: 3
Elapsed: 00:00:00
Elo rating: 1233
White win.
Black lose on time.
Transcript: f5-d6
Elo rating: 1153
The game is
Rated game with time limit 00:01:00.
Last move: White, e3
Disks: 3
Elapsed: 00:01:14
Elo rating: 1165
Disks: 3
Elapsed: 00:00:00
Elo rating: 1247
Transcript: c4-e3
Elo rating: 1194
The game is
Last move: White, e3
Disks: 3
Elapsed: 02:30:18
Elo rating: 1210
Disks: 3
Elapsed: 00:00:00
Elo rating: 1202
Winner: White
Black lose on time.
Transcript: c4-e3
Elo rating: 1132
The game is
Rated game with time limit 00:01:00.
Last move: White, f4
Disks: 3
Elapsed: 00:01:51
Elo rating: 1142
Disks: 3
Elapsed: 00:00:00
Elo rating: 1270
Transcript: e6-f4
Elo rating: 1154
The game is
Rated game with time limit 72:00:00.
Last move: Black, c8
Disks: 23
Elapsed: 00:46:18
Elo rating: 1132
Disks: 0
Elapsed: 00:18:58
Elo rating: 1280
Transcript: c4-c5, c6-e3, f4-b5, e6-c3, c2-f5, d6-f3, a5-d3, g3-g4, h4-d7, c8
Elo rating: 1186
The game is
Rated game with time limit 72:00:00.
Last move: White, e2
Disks: 0
Elapsed: 00:35:02
Elo rating: 1258
Disks: 16
Elapsed: 00:14:49
Elo rating: 1166
Transcript: c4-e3, f4-c5, e6-e7, f3-g4, b5-a5, d3-e2
Elo rating: 1204
The game is
Rated game with time limit 72:00:00.
Last move: Black, g6
Disks: 39
Elapsed: 11:16:21
Elo rating: 1186
Disks: 0
Elapsed: 01:36:54
Elo rating: 1238
2. f4 c5
3. e6 e7
4. f5 g5
5. c6 b5
6. g4 f3
7. d6 b4
8. a4 b7
9. h5 b6
11. a6 c7
12. c8 h4
13. e2 d2
14. c1 f2
15. g1 f6
16. h3 g3
17. h2 g2
18. g6